PRIMO Core-Adjustment-Tool for High Precision and Stability

No, I printed the standard core using the standard holes.

Posted it

Challenge accepted to do it without. :stuck_out_tongue:


Currently passing Oldenburg once a week, next time next Monday :sunglasses:

If it wasn’t for Corona I’d invite you over. :frowning:

In summer I will stop over for a beer :wink:

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My son printed my core stabilizer thingy…
This weekend I’ll probably add this, add the center supports and increase my Y axis by 3".


Hello, nice job.

I want to share my upgrade too… i had the mpcnc burly, great machine. But some time ago i’ve started thinkering about a “mostly alluminium core”. The primo core is nice but it involves too much print time for me. here some pictures of my new core.


Yo, you didn’t stop over. :smiley:

Shit, forgot! :unamused:
Passed Oldenburg more than 30 times in the last 2 years.

Will try to do it this year … you need to remember me some time

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We did it and met up, was nice! Thanks for visiting. :smiley:

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