Post processor not configured anymore?


I havent used my lowrider 2 for quite sometime. Buddy asked me to make a sign for him, went and modeled it up in fusion and all the sudden I got some Vcrunchtime.dll message. Looked online and some said maybe a file is missing, or uninstall a program. So i uninstalled fusion, reinstalled and deleted the flyfishers.cps file I had.

Then went back in to unzip it from the quick reference link. Everytime I try to select the CPS file to the post configuration line, it’s saying no post.

What am I missing in resetting this up? It used to work fine, not sure why all the sudden its not? Is there another step to adding it to MY POSTS > IMPORT > then when you select it. I get that error message.

thanks in advanced.

VCRuntime140.dll is a Microsoft library of classes/routines that developers/companies can ship with their software products. I did a quick search, and this link seems like a good place to help you troubleshoot what is going on.

The MPCNC postprocessor is working fine for me. That doesn’t mean there isn’t something broken with the Fusion 360 install code, but I’d look to fixing the VCRuntime140 problem before assuming there are any Fusion 360 issues.

I will check that today when home, did the navigation steps appear right (from above) in adding the cps file into fusion??

Your steps are correct. To verify things are working, I just added a second copy of the MPCNC postprocessor to Fusion 360 using these steps, and I had no issues. So, my install of Fusion 360 is working correctly.

Thanks Robert
Kk check and see maybe it’s a issue with that visual studio program based on your link
I may also try posting a different job and see if I get the same error


When I googled your VC error, I found a number of sites addressing the problem, indicating to me that the issue is not uncommon. The VCRuntime140.dll contains Microsoft’s C programming language runtime library, so if that file was missing, corrupted, or no longer on the path to be found, any code/software/application that depended on that library would fail.

Open to any site that may have a download to fix the broken path

Thanks Robert

Your best bet is to get the installer direct from Microsoft and repair/install the redist package

x64 installer

x86 installer

I would suspect Fusion is a 64-bit application, so I would probably try that first, but both can be installed

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Trying it now mike

I’ll update afterwards and yes I’m running the 64 bit


Thanks @Michael_Melancon and @robertbu for the help in this. The post seem to work fine after doing it all over again.
Thanks fellas


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