The new shop has a bit more room for material storage than the last one. I’m still trying to get moved into the space, but moving some of my plywood scraps that I brought from the last house has been a pain in the …
I spent some time over the weekend cleaning up a corner of the shop to put the air compressors and to build a swinging cart for storing plywood. I got the idea off of the interwebs, but as usual, I built it to fit my needs.
I can swing the cart all the way around to point out the front garage door for loading, then I can swing it all the way up against the wall for storage.
I bought nice big 4" castors so that it rolls really well. Those and the gas pipe for the ‘hinge’ were the most expensive parts. The rest is just 2x 1/2" pieces of plywood and some 2x4s. I did have some scrap hardy board that I put on the bottom so the plywood slides easier.
The hinge is actually awesome. I have a similar thing next to my wife’s car in the garage, but I have 4 swiveling casters, so it constantly tries to fight me.
i store mine in the desert sun and only get around to using them until they are completely warped to shit about 3 years later. Built a few cabinets for some d130 JBL’s out of my wavy-ply. Kind of like a sleeper drag racer of home audio.
Those are great if your garage isn’t a disaster. I had mine at the end of s shelf and always had too much crap in front of it to swing it out far enough to load/unload it. This has been working well for me.