Plotting the crown

I looked through those. How do I fix it and does it have to be done for every file or just once?

What settings do I edit?

I’m used to using pronterface for my 3D printer, is there any settings in that to use cnc I would rather use pronterface?

Hey thought you were gone til monday

See Determining job starting point.. struggles - #6 by azab2c

Estlecam settings Screenshot from the docs shows arc setting checked. But on this one thing, I ignore the Docs and uncheck that setting . Should only need to configure Estlcam settings just once. Then all subsequent gcode toolpaths generated by Estlcam will not contain the g02/g03 arc codes that Repetier struggles to interpret.

As far as I’m aware, this is a Repetier-Host-only problem. If you just send the file to Marlin, it will plot/carve correctly even though the display in Repetier-Host is crazy. Turning off arc commands in EstlCAM (or whatever CAM tool you are using) “fixes” the problem because Repetier-Host no has to plot arcs. Alternately you can downgrade to version 2.1.6 of Repetier-Host.

The setting in EstlCAM (as highlighted by Aaron) is under Setup/CNC Programs. You want to uncheck this:


Ok that problem is solved now it moves up then to the center of the work piece then started drawing in mid air so I tried to go through the docs and see if I missed something and I made a couple changes and now it moves up and goes to the center of the piece then stops completely.

I’m not sure what I did to cause it to do that.

I figured out that it didn’t stop it’s just moving extremely slow and it’s also writing in mid air.

The most common reason for really slow movements is that your g-code is using inches instead of millimeters. The versions of Marlin maintained by V1 do not support inches. It can be turned on in Marlin by changing a setting in the configuration file, recompiling, and flashing the firmware. In the configuration.h file, uncomment this define:


Note that even if you authored your original CAD in inches, all (that I’m aware of) CAM software allows the g-code to be output in millimeters. The is the preferred solution rather than enabling inch mode.

I went in and changed everything back to millimeters and it seemed to help that issue but I still haven’t figured out why the pen is plotting an inch or two above the actual work piece.

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Did you start with a G92?

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I’m not sure what happened.

As Ryan suggests, put this at the top of your g-code file using any text editor:

G92 X0 Y0 Z0

If this solves your problem, post back and we can explain why and how to automatically insert this line. If this does not solve your problem, we need a more detailed explaination of what you are doing.


This is what is showing to begin the code.

Do I delete the G90 M03 S then put the other code in?

Leave the G90. The M03 won’t help or hurt you.

I prefer using mm with this machine, but you can leave the units in the interface as inches, but there is one critical setting for the units in gcode. That has to be mm. Once you get a little more confident, you can play around with it and get it the way you like.

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Ok do I put the code before or after the G90?

Doesn’t matter.