Parametric Knick Knack Shelf

I collect rocks, and I always pick up these shelves when I find them at Goodwill, because I think they cost too much to buy new. I decided to write an OpenSCAD script to generate the shelf parts based on dimensions I gave it. I cut one yesterday, that I had forgotten to over cut the inside corners, so it didn’t fit together right. I did one today with the over cut corners, but, one of my belts ended up coming loose while I was cutting the back, and it looks like the whole shelf it out of square. Tomorrow will be spent making sure everything is square and level on my MPCNC again. I have a lot of rocks in shoe boxes though, that I wouldn’t mind having on shelves on the wall so they aren’t so bare. I think I will end up making an interface where I can pick and choose what walls to omit, to make double wide compartments and such too.

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Cool. That looks like a fun project. Have you considered adding a board on the back, on the first row to mount it to the wall? You could recess it so it would still be flush.

The picture of the MPCNC cutting the parts shows it cutting out a back. I made it cut a recess for the boards to fit into to help make it more rigid. The first one didn’t fit right, the second I had to stop in the middle, because the belt came loose.