Out of Box, Jackpot will not connect

Bought the Board form V1E. MPCNC was the style of fluid NC that was preloaded
Initially, I got a driver error (windows 10), fixed that. But after fixing the driver, i tried boot up fluid NC (I’m assuming) because I used the IP link in the start up, and connection times out or says it is not available. I know the cable I’m using works for data, as it is the cable I use to program missions for a Pixhawk Flight Controller. I am a complete noob with the software side. I’m upgrading from the old ATMEGA board for my MPCNC, was already upgrading to the burly version on the hardware side, figured why not upgrade to the new board too…

You connect to the jackpot over wifi, not the usb cable. It will create its own hotspot.

Jackpot CNC Controller - V1 Engineering Documentation that should help.

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Ok, that makes sense why it wasn’t working. I’ll give it a shot tomorrow. Thanks for the fast response!

Yup, that worked, just need to integrate to the machine and I will get to play from there. Thanks again for the help.

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