Order parts check

Hello all,

Can someone validate that I have everything I need? I am getting this delivered to the UK so would like to avoid missing anything!

I’ve read through a couple recent posts and I think I have everything but I’m not 100%.

These are the tubes I plant to get: https://www.metals4u.co.uk/materials/aluminium/aluminium-tube/977-p?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIipWHsZCu_AIVhbTtCh05kwDDEAYYBCABEgILcvD_BwE

The working area for the low rider will be just over 900mm * 1800mm

Thanks in advance,


I don’t see XZ plates on there?

I’ve never built a Lowrider, so I cannot be sure, but I believe you only need five limit switches, but you need endstop plugs for all five (you only have one).

Unless you already have a planned enclosure for the emergency stop button, I’d skip it. You really want to interrupt the AC that powers everything, and this switch does not come with an enclosure. Similar switches with enclosures are cheap on Amazon, plus mounting a power strip with the power button easily reached is just about as good (imho).

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The printed parts set comes with. The shop has the option for printed plastic, aluminum or steel.

I would recommend adding some more of the sharp stuff, they are consumables, and onlynremain sharp for so long. They’re also often the first victims of bad CAM. I have definitely broken a few endmills having stuff not set up quite right. They also can break due to unexpected hard material, hitting a screw or hold down, power failure if the machine drops…

I like to have 2 or 3 spare mills on hand, but I dont think any job I have started has had more than 1 break on me.

More edit…

Stepper extender wires. You may be able to source something more local, but 3 sets for the LR3 is a good plan.


Thanks everybody.