I use Openscad to make DXF files for my projects. I then use Estlcam to make the toolpath / gcode from the DXF files.
I want to add text labels to the parts I’m cutting with a shallow single pass engraving step. I use Openscad because it allows me to make complex fully parametric models and quickly do global changes in a scripted way. But, I haven’t been able to find a single line font that works well in Openscad. The ones that seem to work are not single line and cause the tool path to trace the entire outline of each letter (basically twice around each letter). I want to be able to replicate the Estlcam CAD font function where it really does just trace a single line for each letter. I could use Estlcam but the placement of the text is slow and not easy to quickly modify / center / etc.
Anyone have a single line font or similar solution for getting my text in Openscad and allowing Estlcam to make it a single line?