It looks like this developer also extended some of @jamiek’s work on gridfinity boxes. This hose library looks pretty complex and well thought out.
Damn @azab2c, it seems the one you made might be obsolete now.
I know I have used @azab2c stuff for gidfinity a few times. I didn’t know @jamiek made one as well. These for the hose adaptors look great as well.
Neat find! I’ll be using some of these, especially Chris’s Camlock adapters which seem to be inspired-by/compatible-with @bitingmidge’s work.
Jamie’s OpenScad based gridfinity generator, and interactive configuration tool got a prominent mention in one of Zack’s videos too.
Alright. I’m convinced. Chris must be lurking around here somewhere.
Oooor you guys are just pretty clever and this forum is a hub for smart people. I sometimes think so when you guys start with your maths stuff and I am just sitting there fiddling my philosophy-thumbs.
I agree with this one completely! That’s why I love it here so much. Learn something new daily. Now if I could just remember some of it LOL. Keep hoping all the smarts will wear off on me LOL
Ohh that’s so cool! I’m with @Tokoloshe on this - I need to be able to see stuff, anything that can’t be seen to be drawn is just witchcraft.
I was not before, but am now… thanks for sharing my work.
You are correct the Camlock connector is designed to be compatible with PeterH’s Camlock hose system. I connected with PeterH on Printables where I found his work.
Welcome, new clever guy.