OpenSauce Live - San Francisco show

More info,

We find out info from William Osman’s videos first, then they share some details in our private discord. This is getting super nuts…they are bringing in a Ship, and a fight to the death pinewood derby.


I might print a LR core scaled to fit as a pinewood car. That seems pretty fun.

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What scale % would you print the core?

Found and I still have DeWalt colored filament from RMRRF…

Outfitted with an aggressive looking auger bit printed in TPU would be funny :rofl:

Edit: Maybe not, didn’t realize how many Pinewood Derby design rules/contraints there are.

I was thinking we should print a router for the lowrider example at the festivals. Maybe people would stop saying it’s a slow plotter.


I will be bringing a router from now on for sure

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And a laser, and a plasma torch, and a …

… extruder! :rofl:

Just saw this. Youtuber making to San Francisco for Open Sauce I want to meet you, but I need your help! (Open Sauce + LTX Expo) - YouTube


I saw him later in the evening, he made it.

This show is absolutely wild. Not a RRF at all. I love the project diversity. I will try to take more pics but out of context they might not seem as impressive.

Maslow CNC is back to the original creator, has a new version. He is infectiously enthusiastic, hope we get to talk some more but one of us is always talking to people.

That pink handheld CNC team is right next to me, super fun. They are crushing bugs and implementing features on the fly. Looks like a fun tool. I hope they pursue this project further.

It is odd to recognize so many YouTube people, and not recognize some. I was talking to one gentleman sever times, people would walk up and lose their minds to see him. Fun

So many updates, I’ll try to take notes and more pictures.


Shoot didnt realize I replied in gmail! Nice setup! maybe you could talk mrrf peeps into changing venue to include the stuff you have seen there??


Uhhhhh, do you know everyone in this picture? What a great conversation, like beyond awesome.

Wild day…beyond wild.


I took a bunch of pictures and vid clips today. Might need to wait until I get home though to upload more.

The crowd in our section midday.


Just meet you today and thank you for your recommendations and I’ll deferentially be trying to build a MPCNC mainly so I can do it to help my mom and using the router feature. Also what is the default size that is recommended for the kit.


I remember absolutely!

For the MPCNC primo you can go up to about 24" x 24". Bit smaller is better.


Hello @Baden_Armstrong! Welcome to the V1 Engineering community!

LowRider 3 is a nice machine to build if you’re wanting to build larger than 24".

Good luck with your build! Cheers!


I’ll be honest. I see Ryan, the maslow folks, and Aza photo bombing. I’m not sure who the other two are. They definitely look friendly.

Opulo/lumenPNP, and Scienci/longmill, and yup Maslow team (I had fun messing with them a few times). Winston makes was there, I guess if he stopped by for that picture we would have had all the CNC the building had to offer in one place but I have not seen him yet.


This has me very intrigued. IT looks like a lot of fun engineering, SSP Kit

We were told the 3lb class was a good place to start.

There was one there called beartrap that grabs you from the bottom and a bea rtrap jaw on top then flamethrowers you until your electronics melt. If that doesn’t sound rad I do not know what does.


Little LR cameo in this vid, building a portrait robot for Open Sauce - YouTube

