My department needs a way of letting other departments know who to go to when they walk up.
I threw this together last week and milled it out over the weekend. It will get primed and painted throughout this week now that I verified it will work.
1/8 and 1/16 end mills
40 in/min
.1 in DOC
Designed in Inventor w/ built-in CAM to produce gcode
The Particle Board seems to work ok for projects that don’t have to be perfect. I need to get some MDF and see how well that performs.
Looks good David! I never really have been a fan of particle board for anything other than building sheds, deer stands, and dog houses. I think MDF would for sure give you a better finish just because of the smaller fibers. I haven’t worked with MDF much, but plan to play around with it a bit once I get my mpcnc up and going.