Odd issue, its like the x axis stops responding. (jackpot)

CA glue can wick onto wire/pins and insulate them.

Glue is a bad idea for electrical.

in true “chris FML” style, my brother has just told me that he is moving factories, i have known that for a while, but he jsut told me that he has figured out a space for my boxes of crap, but for the foreseeable future at least he cant figure out a place for my Wood working stuff.
So no space for the CNC or any of my other larger gear.

Not sure what i can do about that now. time will tell i guess.

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Your brother had factory space for you? That’s pretty awesome. Which makes it harder when it’s gone. Sorry.

Figured it out. When taking apart gantry and reassembling core to the rails, I over tightened one of the bearings on the lower rail. This was causing it to slip in some places since the wheel was not rolling. Lots of little things to pay attention to.

I’m now back to carving at a good depth, and happy to have stepped up the current on the x for some added power.

It looks like he will have a space for my CNC and Paulk table abomination, not a big spot, but a spot.
So that is good. He also has space for my stuff, and FrankenVAC is going to the bigtime and going to do VAC for everything.

So that is good too, but no play time for a while and i might have to pack the LR3 away for a while.