Odd idea

I was looking through the V5 models and as I am working on a TradRack I was thinking that it might be easy to put a Voron Tool head on the V5. Since the lower section handles the belts and is independent of the upper it might be possible to mount the Voron mounts relatively easy.

Wanted to see what other people think. It might be nice to have the option of the many toolheads that Voron people have made along with the ability to put post extruder filament sensing in place (and tip cutting)


the previous ai response sounds like you should design custom brackets as you mentioned in the above post. What is different about the voron tool head that you like? As a simp, I have little exposure to hotends other than ender and H2V2 series. I think my next will be an orbiter v3, but the voron setup is proven and so I’m wondering if I should also consider it as well. My neighbor has one with a mosquito setup where the hot end tip is the touch sensor. That machine generated all of my v4 parts in ABS, so I know they work and can work very well.

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I was pretty sure that was ai also!

I am putting together a TradRack MMU and one of the things a lot of these thibgs want is a sensore after the extruder but before the hotend. Also tip cutting ability which has all been designed for the voron already.

Still trying to get my head around what would need to be changed in the design to get it to bolt up to at least the lower carriage on the V5

I had considered doing the same thing when I built mine.

I thought about trying to adapt it because I had future plans to build an ERCF so I thought having the ability to use Stealthburner would make it easier.

The 2 biggest things to overcome are:

  • 1 10mm belt vs 2 6mm belts
  • linear rail facing up instead of forward.

If you can make a bracket that mounts over the top and moves the railblock mount pattern to the front, and also has correct belt mount points, it might be possible to then be able to use any of the Voron compatible toolheads.

I might be concerned about pushing the toolhead too far forward and any added torque that might bring.

The Voron builds have an extrusion stabilized X rail, the V5 doesn’t.

So weight and torque might cause you some issues??

Will follow with interest if you give it a shot though :slight_smile: … I ended up talking myself out of it

The Voron 0 has a top mounted rail so that may be a good place to start. I figured we could keep the lower mount to handle the belts since they are on the same plane and sandwich it in the middle of the mount.

oh ok, I never really looked at the 0.

Looks like they have special toolheads though and the standard Stealthburner, etc. doesn’t work.

That could work. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of making it so any standard Voron toolhead could work as-is if possible, rather than having to change each toolhead directly.

Not sure if it’s worth the trouble if you are targeting a specific toolhead, though.

I was thinking about it at a time where I had no idea which toolhead/extruder/etc I wanted to use, so I didn’t want to have to go back to CAD if I ended up changing my mind

Makes sense. The docs all say that the mounts are in the printer models so there must be a standard set of dimensions. I am going to sit down with the files in fusion and see if I can do some merging to make it work.

so… interesting info here. The height of the existing V5 bottom/belt holder is 27mm. The height of a MGN12H block is 27mm. I THINK that with an MGN12H bolt pattern on the Lower V5 truck and an extension to the truck to cover the entire rail block for stability, we should be able to hang any Voron 2.4 tool head on the V5

Okay, some test prints.

It looks like i have a couple options.

  1. Move the front wall of the belt holder forward 3mm. Add a secruon to the back to encompass the other bearing holes. Add the mounting hole pattern 20x20mm on the face for the stealthburner mounts. If we are bulding the stealthburner anyway we might as well use heat sets in the mounting holes from the back. The top set will actually go through the belt channel this way.
  2. Add to the Voron mounts to make them slide in from the sides to reach the back bearing screws. Move the bottom mount holes into position so thatvthe mounts are secured from the bottom two holes and the back bearing holes. This would be the easiest as you would not need to deal with going through the belt slot. And not require deep heat sets.

Decided that Option 2 was the best one.

Added a tab to the Stealthburner mounts for the Voron 2.4 to clip over and screw into the second set of bearing block holes. The bottom normal mount holes are used on the front. I feel like this will distribute the weight somewhat evenly.

It still requires heat set inserts for the bottom mounting bolts but you need a lot to build the Stealthburner anyway so what is 2 more!

I need to figure out the x endstop switch as it is on the other side from the Voron version.

Now the problem is that I have a V4 NOT a V5… anyone interested in doing some testing?


I am not quite committed to testing the 3dchameleon I just got and I need to pull the h2 v2s out and install the lite version. So I guess I’m in a spot to test for you… At least once. After I start testing, I don’t know how easy it will be to iterate in a reasonable amount of time without a second system to print.

only concern I have is that I have not figured out the x endstop yet. I have an idea but need a little more time to figure it out.

I think I should figure out which Stealthburner to print and start with that?

Your call. I know very little about the voron setups other than I know a guy who has one and he prints stuff with it.

I’d be tempted to mash the upper 3dp mount with the voron tool and see where that leads. To check it all you really need is a mgn12h linear rail and carriage.

The above picture show it on the MGN12 rail. I have that figured out! Just need a mount for the endstop. Give me a day of so and I will share the models with you.

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I think the first step is building a Stealthburner…


Have a mock up.

The limit switch mounting boss has holes for the omron micro switches used in the Stelthburner with filament sensors and the Tradrack. Not sure about the ERCF or others. It also has holes for a more standsrd switch like @vicious1 sells.



Will be interested to see how it handles it.

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Any way to minimize the distance between the nozzle and the Carriage plane?

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I was looking at that also. The thing is that the Voron uses the space in the carriage mounts to put things like the bed sensor in there. With the belt configuration on the V5 it pushes the mount out some. I dont think it is more than 8-9 mm farther off the plane than a stock voron would be from its rail.

Looking at it right now I think that if we sacrificed the front belt slot we could use the carriage mount to clamp the belt in place. I have an idea… but I am not that good in cad quite yet. New learning experience inbound…

As beautiful as that looks, the excessive distance from the rail to the nozzle is what will be challenging about this setup. You want that critical distance as short as possible.