Oak Jewellery Box

mpcnc primo

Wood - Oak

Finished - Danish Oil

Incorporates and MP3 player activate by magnetic switch as lid opens.

To create the clean finger joints modified my primo to include clamp to hold parts in the vertical. I pull my machine over edge of bench to create the space. The clamping mechanism use M8 thread bar with M8 T-nuts. The Knobs I 3D printed.


Wow, both are awesome. That groove is insane! with clamps also, even more insane!
Great work!

Oh man I love that. That nice little finger clamp slot…Nice touch.

Nice execution! I see dovetails in your future…

Do this next:



LOL, show off :slight_smile:

That’s not mine. I wish. :sweat_smile:

well what are you waiting for???