NoVA Lowrider Build

Dang somehow missed all mentions of that too. Yeah I’d love to ditch marlin. Maybe the reason to change to the lr3…

Have to get this batch of parts done first though. Might just have to initialize the machine from blocks each cut and reset between instead of relying on my endstops. Nervous about cutting the LED out

I had an SKR that was bad about that. But usually I could restart the board and it would be fine for a few cycles

It should not be a big deal. If you have small wire cutters you can kinda crush each side and get it out of there. The other option is add the pull-up resistor. The LED is pretty worthless, though. They still have not confirmed the fix on their end and I am almost out of boards…

Thats just crazy they havent come up with a fix yet. Hope you have a good stock of Jackpot’s :wink:

Went ahead and ordered a jackpot from v1.

Made it through all my parts yesterday after I got one successful home. Pretty happy with the lr2 hardware so I’m not moving to lr3 yet…

If you think you are happy with that you will be ecstatic when you do move to LR3. My LR2 was great but it didn’t hold a candle to either of my LR3’s. I loved the Primo until I built the LR3, Now its retired to a dedicated laser and a smaller LR3 replaced it LOL