Hy i have a problem with the firmware on the skr pro 1.2 tft 35-e3 v3.0.1 no printer attached y try to reintal everything a few times with all disconected and conected but nothing works
Welcome @Johnnysa!
Could be firmware and/or hardware issue we can work through. You’re not alone, community has encountered this message a few times for various reasons. e.g.
Please share some well lit pictures showing wiring between your SKR 1.2 controller and TFT. Hopefully someone will spot something that helps get you going. Cheers!
What firmware is on your SKR pro?
Your skr pro and TFt have to have matching firmware. If you bought it from here, it was already done and did not need to be flashed. If you bought it yourself, please link the exact firmware you used for both.
Y think is not the hardware , i accedently instal the dual version and it works on skr i mean this 515/V1CNC_SkrPro_Dual_2209-2.1.1.zip and when i put /515/V1CNC_SkrPro_DualLR_2209-2.1.1.zip no
My power supply is 24v its ok?
Download a new zip file, and do it again. Sounds like you just got a bad flash somehow.
Same problem
And the firmware.bin changes to .cur
Try this one, https://github.com/V1EngineeringInc/MarlinBuilder/releases/download/515/V1CNC_SkrPro_DualLR_2209-2.1.1.zip
Same problem with this one i do the same things flashing the sd card fat 32 and i try with 3 diferent sd card and bin change to cur
I dont know why the last version dont work
Sorry for my english im from spain
Unplug everything except power and the black TFT cable (unplug the gray ones). Try it again.
These files have been used and tested for a very long time so it is not the file. we need to figure out why yours will not use it.
Is a big diference if i use the old vershion if it is do you think i can use some comercial board with fluidnc
Old version of what? You are not linking an dolder version you linked the mpcnc version versus the lowrider version.
The SKR pro does not work with fluidnc.
Disconecting everything works