Hello @michmax1 !
Completely agree with, and appreciate all the info/context from Robert.
RE1) Am using Marlin, but many people here seem to eventually graduate to OctoPi/Klipper or some other firmware that enables overriding speed and other settings during an active job. Personally haven’t reached that frustration threshold yet, am still learning and relatively new to this stuff. Came from Genmitsu and Candle which had this feature, I miss that still, maybe Marlin has it and I don’t know?
RE2) “for the health of my laptop.” - you’re wanting to keep your laptop away from the dust? Headless is possible with SKR and Octopus, and many other boards. I don’t know about Rambo? Am concerned about dust and noise, since I need to babysit the cuts, am looking at doing some janky enclosure.
SKR Pro and Rambo have been great boards for many folks on this forum. They’re supported and well understood. There’s a bunch of tribal knowledge beyond the official docs that’s captured in this forum. So much, that ChatGPT rehash plagiarism algorithms can, probably answer most questions you have about SKR/Rambo (for a fee without credit to the providers of the underlying knowledge…).
Am happily using an Octopus v1.1, after killing my SKR Pro, completely my fault, ungrounded user error at 3am. Still waiting for my forum profile to show the Board Killer badge.
Used the fail as an opportunity to buy and try an Octopus v1.1, not a Pro, not an EZ. Bought to have more mod options, the ESP3D on ESP32 Module integration was attractive too, I like those. If you don’t like coding, compiling and burning firmware using USB programmer modules, then, consider V1E Shop’s ESP3D on ESP-01S module for the SKR, if you end up with an SKR.
Learnt from others, encountered issues, worked through those and fixed numerous things. Shared a Marlin snapshot compiled for Octopus v1.1 am currently using at GitHub - aaronse/marlin_2.1.1_515