New z independent dust shoe design

Working on a new design for a dust shoe that hang off the core versus putting more load on the z axis. It currently allows for bits up to 3/4 inch in diameter and is height adjustable to the workpiece. It also allows the dewalt to travel all the way down until the collet nut touches the table. My goal here was to still allow full range of motion without interfereing with the stock dewalt 660 mount

Next iteration will include some bristles of some sort like a typical dust shoe. Just need to source some for use.

Thoughts? Advice?


I have been working on one that does slip into the top of the Z tubes, and has two down tubes that sneak around the router. Advantage is that it’s simple to remove. Currently working on a floating collector that will ride around in ball bearings with maybe 1/16 - 1/8 clearance.


Added in thru hole to enclosure with some adapters and such to mount the vacuum hose to. Final configuration…for now. And seems to really move some air. Working good so far

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