Slowly putting up parts. let me know if you have suggestions
It would be nice if you sold -
- Woven plastic cable protector, possibly by the foot.
- Drag chain by the foot
- Extruder wiring kit
- Complete extruder kit (extruder, wiring kit, driver, extra fan as one item)
- Packs of four (or more) of each screw, bolt, washer, and nut
- Replacement power supply for RAMPS
- Extruder nozzles and barrels
- Extruder Teflon tubing and push connect attachment for filament
Basically all the machine parts a la carte, improved part support for the extruder, and the parts that put money into others folks pocket instead of yours.
Can you add specific individual tool mounts? I chose poorly when I bought my printed part kit, and now that I want other mounts, I don’t see them.
I can do this, but I am only willing to print/sell my designs. I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes and I know mine print well. I should be able to add these in the next few days.
It would be nice if you sold –
- Woven plastic cable protector, possibly by the foot.
-I have a 100’ spool right now, I was unsure if I should sell it, guess I should.
- Drag chain by the foot
-I don’t feel I could offer better price than anywhere else online.
- Extruder wiring kit
-Hard to do, I don’t want to make custom sizes for different size builds. This can just be extended with the wire I sell, that’s what I use. Custom connectors are expensive and prone to failure. I worked at a company and we chased connection issues for months. Terminal block would work, I could make a printable part.
- Complete extruder kit (extruder, wiring kit, driver, extra fan as one item)
-Wouldn’t change the price. Most fan sales are multiples not singles.
- Packs of four (or more) of each screw, bolt, washer, and nut
-Hardware store would be a better option. The time it would take to count, bag, and pack this would increase to cost significantly. I do my best to do things efficiently. If I did this I would have to do inventory for each batch, time costs money. Right now I buy in exact quantities and bag them all in one sitting.
- Replacement power supply for RAMPS
-Sure, But I couldn’t offer a better price than anywhere else. I do have 3 power supply options in stock but have not implemented it into the shopping cart software as a bundle option.
- Extruder nozzles and barrels
-I’ll order some.
- Extruder Teflon tubing and push connect attachment for filament
-I am strongly against bowden tubes.
Basically all the machine parts a la carte,
-Maybe If I had some employees to help, inventory nightmare.
improved part support for the extruder,
and the parts that put money into others folks pocket instead of yours. ?
-Is this meant to be offensive? Am I misunderstanding this?
You could use for parts or contact one of us to help you out. If you need something printed send me a PM
This group is awesome.
Is there an MPCNC facebook group?
I don’t think there is actually. I know I had set something up a long time ago for but no group. If you think it’s a good idea I can get that setup or if you want to do it.
Don’t know how popular it might be, but at least it’s a good way for people to show off machines and projects…at least easier than attaching on the forums.
-I am strongly against bowden tubes.Me too. I want tubing to guide filament from the spool to extruder that's all.
and the parts that put money into others folks pocket instead of yours. ? -Is this meant to be offensive? Am I misunderstanding this?Of course I did not mean that offensively, I am trying to help. I mean if I have to pay for any of these items anyway, they may as well be purchased from you to help support what you are doing.