New printer time?

Thank you sir! Works great!

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Okay, I think I’m blind. Trying to find the bed size that the CAD model is based on. :confused:

Which model?

@gpagnozzi based his off of mine, which is using a CR10 bed (I used this one) Ryan uses a more standard sized one.

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Well I’m looking to do a 300mm x 300mm bed like you guys, but I’m just trying to figure out how long to cut my extrusion

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I have the exact same issue with these fans, most of them get very noisy, either right out of the box or after just a few weeks.
Most of the time I managed to fix them by removing the sticker and putting some fresh oil in the bearing. Doesn’t always work though, sometimes I had to change the way the fan was attached to overconstrain it, which usually solves the issue (it can’t vibrate much anymore if the casing is constrained, as you already figured out by pressing on the right spot).
These cheap fans are a pain, I can’t seem to find good ones that will last more than a few weeks witout screaming loudly. I’d be ok with paying a little more to get quiet ones, but I haven’t found anything good yet.

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Well, I did plywood instead of extrusion…

Part of it depends on how long your rails are. My Y rails were 450mm long. @gpagnozzi has 400mm rails, so he could have had his printer 50mm less deep, though I think he kept the same exterior dimensions as I had. For what it’s worth, I think 400mm is the best size for the 310/320mm bed size. I have more than 60mm of extra addressable space in front of the print bed.

For the Y axis, you need the length of your rail, plus room for the motor mounts and corner pulleys. For me that came to the length of the rail plus 110mm as being the distance from the front edge to the inner surface of the back plane.

The X axis, I just took Ryan’s measurement and added 110mm (I think) to make up the width difference from 200mm to 310. I might have added 120 if I think about it, I don’t remember clearly exactly what I added.

For the Z axis, I used 350mm rails.

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Ok, if you have Ryan’s Fusion file, change the length of the X axis “Carbon Fiber 20mm Rail”, Ryan has it set to 340.2mm add 100mm to it size, that will change all the parts extrusion for the X axis, then you change the Lenght of MGN12H_275_Rough Y Rail, add. 100 to it or whatever Rail size you buy it, in my case I had 400mm on hand, so I added 125mm to the measurment.
And same for the MGN12H_200mm_Rough Z Rail…
That should change change the extrusion Lenght on all.
Hope this help


I just check the model, doing what I just told you on my previous post, Corner Extrusion 2 and 3 need to be 20 mm long and 1 and 4 should be 120 mm long then the is show in the model. That is if you are using 400mm Rails.

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For what it’s worth, I used 510mm as what would be the length of the X extrusions. That should be the correct length to use the CAD for the CR10 plate supports.

Not really, you don’t need the extra 20mm. As it is I have my X home position at -23 mm
The only thing (I wish I had done it) you need is to offset the the bed screw holes at the bed plate by 10 mm (in my case ) to the left to give you more clearance on the right. At my X max I have no clearence at all and planty of clearence at X min. (23mm)
Of course you would need to change offset on marlin.

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I was playing it safe, a little. Much of my CAD work was done before Ryan’s stuff was final. I didn’t even have the extruder mount when I did it all, so I didn’t know for sure where the print nozzle was going to be, so I added in some extra padding in places to be sure that I’d be able to address the whole larger print bed.


That is totaly fair and safe.

When I start printing parts you had your printer alredy printing and your build was 95+% done, I think you where working on wire manament at that time. It did take quite some time for me to “modify” the cad (real work got in the way) and be confident that it would work for my “especific size”.
The final foot print of my build is 515 on X, 555 on Y + the TFT mount and 610 on Z, not counting the extra 45mm for the V1 logo + repeat at the top of the front panel.

Edited: I F%$&*%#@ hate when autocorrect work against you…

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I have also been hit with a bug and I’m about to have some downtime (apparently not Covid, have at least done the at home and it’s negative, will see later if another comes back negative). Anyway, this printer is on my list to start. I already have 400mm rails arriving tomorrow, the bed (300mm) and endstops are here, plus lots of other random bits on their way or in my stash.

The plan is to utilize a 3 into 1 hotend for 3 color printing. I think that will end up being cannibalized off my current 3 color i3 clone. I have a BTT Octopus on its way as well to take care of actually needing all 8 stepper drivers! Should be fun wiring this thing.

Next thing is that my plan is to do all plywood, woodworking/renovating is probably my first hobby so I always have a ton around. @gpagnozzi and @SupraGuy how did you two get the sides/back/bottom/bed support scaled up and then cuttable to make it a 300mm bed sized machine? Also the length of rail you have here will play into this, and after playing around a bit with the model I wasn’t immediately sure where to go. I remember a comment up above somewhere about scaling one of the rails I think and that would make everything else scale properly, but I couldn’t find it so I figured I should just ask.

Thanks ahead of time!

I tried a few versions now, seems the big tree tech 5015 fans are quiet and actually but out more air as well! I moved the fan in the mount and it seems to help a bit more. I loaded up the shop.

I will have to poke around the file and add this info to the instructions. Basically go in order of the CAD tree. The first extrusion will likely scale most of them for that direction X,Y,Z, The extrusions control the size of the wood parts if you were going that way.

So the CF Rail controls, X, the Extrusions control Z (or maybe the Linear rail for Z??), and Should be an extrusion for Y. The bed plate should scale (you will get some tangent error that need fixing) but you will need to go in and scale the hole locations, I added driven dimensions to make that easier.

I will try to go in and make it more parametric, so keep an eye on the version numbers. This was my first time using Fusion so the CAD is a bit …rough…

Well, I worked from the incomplete Fusion model that Ryan shared early on. I could look at the distances that he had the components sized to. The printed parts were easy enough to measure for hole spacing. Also knowing that the design was good for 2020 extrusion it was easy to extrapolate that the holes would be lined up on center, and at the back, the vertical gap would be 20mm.

The bed support was the trickiest, really, because it wasn’t just a matter of scale. Still wasn’t bad, just had to know the distance from the sides to the center of the 5mm mounting screw. (50mm, IIRC)

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Guys, thank you so much for the input. That helps me a ton. I’ll update again once I make some notable progress!

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Okay, I’m finally back at it. Thanks for the breakdown on this. Not gonna lie, I am a complete and total CAD noob. Even with your explicit instruction, I felt like a mental midget trying to figure out how to change parameters and such. I really need to indulge that facet of my skill set.

No, don’t feel bad that is a horrible model. I didn’t really catch on to Fusion until it was almost done, and I still did not do well on the assembly.

I hope to rework a bit of it and add some easier general parameters.

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Seems legit to me. Definitely a learning experience as far as I’m concerned. In fact, I’ve never gotten acquainted with new software without having actual tasks to perform within. I only seem to retain information when I’m thrown in the fire and need to produce some kind of result.

I even signed up for a Skill Share account specifically to learn CAD modeling and just could not bear that type of learning process. No doubt, it seems like a great service. Just not the way I am able to soak up info.

Maybe it’s ADHD, if there is such a thing.

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I just feel bad you all are victims of my learning curve. You can actually follow my operations tree and see how I would start to do things a different way, and then even more different when I got to assemblies. The Repeat is an extremely difficult model to learn from, promise.

So I had a weird printing artifact that I have been chasing for a while now. Once I noticed it, I stopped working on the release and needed to figure it out. Thought there might be a new part or two needed. Turns out I had one of my bed plate to Z slider screws far too tight, and it was causing the first two layers to print slightly shifted. I remember I was seating the nuts so I turned the screws in pretty tight and for some reason I forgot to back that one out. Anyway, problem solved, so I will take more pictures and start to upload them to the instructions.