New Printer Build in Boise ID

Congrats on your MP3DP v4 build! Latest benchy is looking great.

Consider checking out the open hardware manufacturing podcast episode with Ryan. Ryan’s been working hard to make V1E Customers/Community happy for many many years. But, turns out he’s a ruthless manager… He’ll recognize high performers via employee of the month award. But ended up firing his own Mom :astonished:

It was a mutual decision and it was to keep her mental health in tip top shape…trying to impress your Son turns out to be very taxing. :rofl: :innocent:

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Oh no…welcome to the world of printer tuning. It can be very rewarding and very frustrating (the engineer’s yin and yang?). I am very persistent and I can tell you I can never seem to get the seams perfect, but orca slicers is now using scarf joints and it might have finally solved my last real tuning issue. If you have not tried it, that one is pretty nice.

If you print multiple benchies, the start and stop points used to drive me nuts. Hiding them seems like cheating.


I was never really a fan of working, my day job, with family LOL. And I say that with love.

I decided that today I would, in the little spare time I have, :sweat_smile: , would do a different print then a Benchy. I like numbers and data so I found this calibration print that I’m going to try out. I will be able to get a bunch of data from this calibration print because of the geometry. Only downside is it’s a 6-hour print. And I don’t fully trust my machine yet my confidence is at like 75%. So I’m going to be doing lots of watching. And temperature measurements.

Also added some light so that I can see the print. As you can see orange :tangerine: a great color


Man, I bought Prey in English when it came out. Memories…

Nice printer btw. :stuck_out_tongue:

Check out the vector 3D Calilantern print. Way faster than that and has an excel sheet to go with it to calculate everything

I guess now that I am done with the V4, guess i need to start the V5

Welcome to my world.

And I get to refocus back on CNC, which was why i joined in the first place lol

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Maybe when you get your V5 finished we will have a new CNC to build :grin:

One of my favorites

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As in a new CNC like Primo or like Lowrider?

LowRider. :tada:

Since I already have a lowrider, would look to a Primo for a desktop set up for more “detailed” work.

I do some joinery by hand now, but would like to be able to do more of this…



want to build a custom table where i can mount boards vertically and horizontally to hit them with the CNC

Now that I’m somewhat tuned in with my V4 going bigger with my prints, want to take advantage of my 300x300x 400 space… Slowly getting there

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I care more about size than speed at this point, but speed is starting to become an issue with the prints I want to do taking 20 hours lol

The one posted above is a 4 hour print


I did this. And ended up turning the Primo into a dedicated laser machine and built a second smaller LR3. Everyone’s experience is different, but for me the LR3 just shines above the primo.

This has also been on my shortlist since forever, but I never got around doing it. Shame on me. :frowning:

Yeah. When you are interested in size, speed becomes your focus.