If you are doing two head I think the best option is a single direct extruder like I use on everything and 1 bowden extruder mounted as close as possible. 90% of the time you will only be using one color that way you won’t lose much performance, bowden on a second color should work well with a wipe tower or wall.
Wow good idea. separation will dictate part size, adjusting will be tricky unless you leave the head and adjust the print surface. That will be awesome to watch! I can’t wait to see it.
Yes, thinking in a ‘robust’ aluminium plate adjustable, and, over that, suspended by springs, the heated bed and glass. It’s a dare try witch need one more Arduino comiunicating via serial 1 or 2. Keep all in touch! It’s 8 x 150mmx150mmx120mm. If it works, of course, i’ll open source it That’s how civilization grows these times, empowering everybody.