New MPCNC Primo Build - Huddersfield

Hi all, been lurking for a while but decided to finally get things moving on the Primo build!

I have a question about controller boards and how they might be wired up as i’m still new to that bit.

I’ve come into possession of a BigTreeTech Octopus Pro 1.0 board and wonder if I can use this with the MPCNC?

I also have a Mellow board with a touch screen.

Are either of these useful at all to the build and if so, how might I ensure they are connected up properly to the kit?

Thank you all!

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Either board could work as long as you have 5 drivers for the 5 motors on the mpcnc. Firmware will really be the decider. If you are planning to use Marlin, which is the one with the most support available, you will likely need to custom compile it for your specific board target processor. It is more likely someone will have code for the octopus (I am using octopus on my 3d printer and it is a good board) over the other board you mention. You may want an LCD or a TFT control screen. Another option is grbl with cncjs as the sender.

My mpcnc currently has an skr pro and an LCD35 E3V3 with Marlin firmware connected to a raspberry pi running octoprint. That whole setup is going to likely change to klipper cnc soon, but there is less support for that, so you can join me or go with the marlin or grbl option. If you plan to use a laser, you may want to search the laser use cases on this forum and decide.

I hope that is helpful.