New Mpcnc in Missouri

I had the usps notification that my V1 package wouldn’t be here until Monday and was pretty bummed. But yesterday morning (Saturday) I got a notification that my package was out for delivery!

My daughter and I spent about 5 hours yesterday getting the conduit, printed parts, rollers bearings etc all put together. Total cut area is 24x36. Today I got everything wired up and figured out the rambo board and lcd.

Finally got a crown printed and hopefully tomorrow I can move it to the garage to cut some wood.

I ordered the end stop kit but chickened out on wiring like that. I just went with the standard wiring kit and decided that after I work up the courage I’ll put the end stops on.

Thanks to everyone who helped me last week ordering the correct components and giving me other advice.

If anyone can point me to a good resource for projects or some good tutorials I would appreciate it.



I think the documents reflect the gradual perfecting of the dual endstops when it first went out. I know that different control boards make it easier or harder, but I kept thinking that wiring the steppers in series would be more difficult than plugging them straight in. I chose the Archim board since it seemed easiest to figure out where to plug in the steppers on the board. Realize it has its own challenges. Regardless, mine work and I really like that I can square so easily. Had a little hiccup in the wiring, but traced it down.

Regardless, nice build. I’m at the Lake! nice to see another Missouri build. I had a rare free Sunday with the snow and got a good nap and a project done today.

Thanks Marion. My MIL lives at the Lake. She and her husband are on the north side.

I’ll eventually get to the end stops, but my brain needs a break. Plus I’m anxious to get the router fired up.

I noticed on your profile you have a laser setup. I may have to hit you up for some advice if I decide to add one to mine.

I may have the day off tomorrow with the snow. I wonder what I’ll be doing instead: :smile:


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I don’t have a laser head for the MPCNC. I have a stand alone 40 watt laser. I can give you some advice on best practices for design, but not much help with the command and control needed for the MPCNC. I was thinking about building a CNC and started gathering parts and figuring out electronics, then decided I would get an X-Carve. That was four years ago. I saw that the Glowforge laser was getting developed so I pre-ordered that instead of getting an X-Carve. Well, they didn’t ship for a year and a half, but I did get to beta test one so I learned a heck of a lot during that time. Never gave up on the CNC and finally decided that the MPCNC was what I should do. Man, I am glad. It is exactly what I wanted and does a great job. Good luck on yours.

Finally got a chance to cut something this afternoon.

It definitely isn’t perfect but I have time to figure out the details. :slight_smile:


Looks good. Nice and clean lines. I took a lot longer to get it dirty and started with pink foam. Perhaps a little more cautious than I needed, but it took me a little while to design the mount for my non-standard router so I used the drag knife and did a lot of drawing. Once I started that router up and made some chips, it was quite thrilling. I assumed at any minute something would go astray and the whole thing would fly apart. Not that the Ryan’s design didn’t inspire confidence, but I didn’t know if my gcode would go astray or not. Did the premade code for the LCD cover and I was so excited.

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Fresh build and you already got it dirty…That is how you make me proud!!!


I think it looks a little better after taking a torch to it.
I made a family sign out of mdf tonight with a v-bit.
Thanks for putting this stuff together Ryan. It has been a really fun experience that I wouldn’t have had the courage to take on without this resource.


That is why I do this!

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