New MPCNC for 2020! - Primo -

Wouldn’t that question be: “What are the differences”, not “Is it better than”? Better (at such a high level) is too subjective and it should be a question you (the general you) answer yourself by asking what the key differences are.

My guess is that they are used to commercial products that often make a new version for the sake of the word “new”, and other times to cut costs, and trim features.

No more complaints about zip-ties on belts.
No more complaints about bending tabs on endstops.
No more complaints about struggling with squaring.
No more complaints about jamming screwdrivers to tighten nuts (corners and xyz).
No more complaints about not looking awesome.

Okay I just made up that last one.


Here it is.
MPCNC Primo J 25.4mm Z-nut trap Jig


So Ryan , can i go with the same pipes i have in the burly? and can i use the 2 supports of z motor of the burly?
i was almost finishing my burly , so i have al the pipes and the base of the burly almost done , only the z axis was missing , can i just print the z axis of the primo and use wif the base of the burly?

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My take on that is that Burly sounds like a MPCNC upgrade kit?? not its own design?
So you have the MPCNC and then the Burly edition is that ‘base’ MPCNC with some additions to make it more, well, burly… And now that the Primo is out, it could be seen that the Primo replaces the ‘base’ MPCNC and that it may also receive a ‘Burly’ upgrade kit in the future.
So its possible that people think the burly could still be better than the Primo without the burly ‘upgrade’

Fuck, i hope that makes sense haha

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Yup, it will be a different work area though.

I do have a question about the design @vicious1

The stepper motors get very warm, enough to soften the PLA. This wasn’t an issue with Burly because the design allowed the weight of the part to be absorbed by the truck underneath. With Primo, the steppers have no additional support under the plastic mount, since they sit beside the trucks, are you concerned about this part getting soft and bending?

You can reuse the tube, just rotate and redrill it as the tool mount is different.
The feet are a little different also but yes you still can use them.
The Z assembly does fit and work with the Primo Core.
I would reprint the corners, truck and core.

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Ok ,thanks sr , i will print the hole z axis new and in other time i print the hole primo .

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You need to turn down the current, or buy bigger motors. They should have plenty of torque and stay below 50C (60C is where you should start getting into trouble with PLA).

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I did run the primo for 4:30 hrs strait with 80 degrees weather and I had no problems, I do agree that the stepper run a little hot.

I have the motors that were provided in the Burly kit, and anything that I have tried to mount to them, melts quickly. Maybe they are configured wrong, everything is default; is there configuration that should be done out of the box for these?

Are you running the stock mpcnc firmware? They shouldn’t be getting hot.

Another thing , what pieces of hardware are different from burly? on the z axis mainly, do we use the same bearings, screws and the same amount? Thank you

I am running stock (Archim, Dual). To be fair I have only noticed it on the Z-Axis since its the only one I have tried to attach something to. Here is the parts list with differences as well.

Same bearings and,

24- M3x10
64- M5x30
64- M5 Nylock
46- 5/16x1.5" or M8x40
46- 5/16 Nylock or M8 nylock
8-#3x.5" or M2.5x12

thanks mans , i miss that , sorry for bothering.

Hmmm. It definitely shouldn’t be melting plastic, or making it soft enough to warp. I wonder if the current on the archim isn’t tuned quite right. If you can measure the temperature, it should be below about 50C, and if it is over that, then the current needs to be dropped a little. If you want to dive deeper into this, we can do that in a separate thread. As it relates to the primo, neither version should be bending plastic.


I will do a few tests and see if I can get more data and post a topic when I do.

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