New MPCNC for 2020! - Primo -

Every day I am more excited for this version to come out. I built a completely new table for the new model, its naked, waiting to start moving the MPCNC over!


this thing looks like Darth Maul:


i mean, your not wrong, lol.

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I’ve been out of the loop for awhile but heard there was a new design coming out. From the hints you’ve dropped, I take it black steel tube is in and conduit is out. Intrigued. I really hope the redesign gets rid of the “rectangular” design of the build and opt towards a “H” configuration. Sorry I don’t know the technical nomenclature of these things. I just find that front x conduit rail gets in the way a lot. Crossing my fingers!

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I think you have missunderstood, the redesign is printed parts mainly.

Same configuration.

There’s always LR2 that is already an “H” configuration.

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This is in reply to the photo with the 4 spindles…

I know the MPCNC isn’t designed for a large spindle, but if the new one handles the larger Dewalt better, then I’d upgrade in a heartbeat. I’d like to try running the larger spindle.

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Well that’s too bad, I was hoping to see something like the onefinity cnc but with Ryan’s interpretation for self sourced off the shelf hardware and 3d printed connections. Still looking forward to seeing what’s new.

I can’t imagine those bearings lasting long on a cnc.

Ball screws are a huge expense. Just 3 quality ball screws would cost more than the whole MPCNC at a 600x600mm cutting area. (yes you can get cheap ones from china but they’re unlikely to be true)
You can’t take something that’s designed for a hobbyist and replace all the parts with things that cost 5X as much and still have it be affordable for a hobbyist.

Go on vicious1, tease me with a new pic. I dare you :crazy_face:


I think the next step up, and still in hobbiest range would be the printnc. There’s only like 4 working in the world at the moment though. It is not a put together with your average diy tools machine either. All in, it’s a touch less than an grand to build, mostly steel box tube with 3d printed alignment parts.

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Gotham garage influence … ?

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If you are worried about being reverse engineered and ripped off, simply drop a set of designs at your local solicitor (I think you call them attorneys) and ask them to date receipt and keep it for you. In the UK, that’s a dirt cheap way of proving provenance and any law case will just disappear.

Cannot comment on how valid this is in US law but mnight be worth doing. Regardless of how you release information, it might be worth ensuring that you own the copyright and allow people to freely use it but on your terms which might be exceedingly generous but thats your choice. Won’t stop everybody but might well keep the nutters and weirdos a little bit further away.




Everything makes sense.

An emphasis I’d like to add is that intellectual property theft and frustration with it has finally peaked in the USA and has been given firmer legal ground from which to address. Personally, I’ve encountered more than one entrepreneur with investment backing that has chosen to remain “dark” rather than file patents or pursue traditional means to secure rights until just before moving to market.

I certainly agree with your statements and there are legal means to secure rights that are reasonable cost-wise, however it is also a real pain in the *** to pursue, by legal means, any “nutter” in a foreign country selling your “stuff” on amazon or ebay at a fraction of the price.

Speaking for myself and personal experience with the same worries, it’s not entirely about legal ramifications, it’s also about public perception.

A simple, contrived example: Some-Big-Website reports on the release of this cool new thing made by Guy A. It gets spread around, everyone knows Guy A made this. Guy B says “Hey, I made that!” and while he may have his legal ducks in a row, do you think that every website that ran an article about Guy A, will run a new article, at the same priority levels as the original? Do you think that everyone that heard about the original from these sites or through word of mouth, will all read any updates or retractions and reform their opinions? No, they won’t. A lot of people will still think Guy A made it and Guy B is just a copycat. They won’t care what the truth is.

When you make something and give it away, public opinion has a lot of value, and no lawyer can win that back.


Well, I am going to take one last look at the big piece and I think all parts are done and a majority have been verified. Going to let the beta team have the center soon (I am waiting to print my pretty one for a matching spool to actually ship), while they print I am going to try and knock out a few mounts.

I planned on building all my mounts in Fusion360 so you all could mess with them but Fusion has tightened the belt. Any Business over $1k in sales in a year does not qualify for free. So until I find a reason to switch and pay for fusion from my old solidworks I will only be releasing step files for a mount blank (soon).

Most of the parts have shipped, so this is starting to get real for me. I just reorganized the Burly shelf for Primo parts now.




I wonder if it is ok to have one of “us” volunteer to do that? I don’t have a windows box, ATM. So I am volunteering one of you.

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