People are stupid. Every year between a couple and a dozen or so people get attacked by something at yellowstone…bison, bears, etc. People keep falling of the edge of the grand canyon, too. I don’t get it.
And scary! And like Jim Morrison said: strange!
My friend came back from yellowstone with this quote.
Park Ranger, in a megaphone: “Man with no shirt! Step away from the bear!”
The things you see when you don’t have a ?
Thanks! It was a great project and there aren’t many that are that large plus it taught me how to sew. Sewing really is underrated.
Agreed! Fabric of some kind or another is apart of daily life on a global scale. There is no one who would not benefit from having that skill.
Hey Ryan, apologizes in advance if there are recommend setting somewhere (are you talking about the Parts List Page? I see 2+ perimeters mentioned, the 70%/30%/70% split recommendation, and the comment:
Print times have varied from 65hrs (0.5mm nozzle @38mm/s), to 120hrs (0.4mm @60+mm/s), and 160hrs (0.4mm nozzle @35mm/s)
If I use Prusaslicer with settings of [0.6 noozle, 0.44 layer height, 2 perimeter, 4 top and bottom layers, the 70%/30%/70% rectilinear infill, and speeds of 60 mm/s perimeters (50% for external perimeter), Infill 80 mm/s] I’m getting estimates of 15 hours. What am I missing, that is 6 hours longer then yours and you are using a 0.5 nozzle?
I printed all my other parts at a 0.6 nozzle, 0.24 height, 3 perimeters, 8 top/bottom layers, 45% gyroid and same speeds as above. I’m happy with the results for those parts but using those setting for the core puts me at 24 hours (even with the 70%/30%/70%).
Stay safe!
What is the importance of the shorter print time?
More a concern that I have something wrong. My times are so different maybe something is wrong that I don’t see.
I see. Well if it’s any help I printed the core at 70% rectilinear infill 0.4 nozzle 0.3 height with an mk3s. It took about 19hrs.
Should have raked the leaves, like Donald said. -_-
Let’s keep V1 politics free, please.
Okay. Didn’t want to start a debate but make a stupid joke. Won’t do that again.
No worries. It is just easier to nip it in the bud early.
Yes it’s bad enough to worry about grub screws and firmware no others are needed well except roasted meat and scenery pictures
You should start a new thread and post your Gcode so we can have a deeper look, that is not right for sure.
Or if the raking is done with a tractor…