New MPCNC build: Primo + Manta MP8 + Klipper in BC, Canada

I’m still not wired up so can’t validate, but here’s the beginning of a gcode file from my laptop after it’s gone through the post processor.

;Fusion 360 CAM 2.0.15050
; Posts processor: MPCNC.cps
; Gcode generated: Sun Jan  8 13:36:45 2023 GMT
; Document: Katie v1
; Setup: Setup4
;When using Fusion 360 for Personal Use, the feedrate of
;rapid moves is reduced to match the feedrate of cutting
;moves, which can increase machining time. Unrestricted rapid
;moves are available with a Fusion 360 Subscription.
; Ranges Table:
;   X: Min=1.001 Max=144.13 Size=143.129
;   Y: Min=1 Max=69.242 Size=68.242
;   Z: Min=-1 Max=15 Size=16
; Tools Table:
;  T3 D=3 CR=1.5 - ZMIN=-1 - ball end mill
; Feedrate and Scaling Properties:
;   Feed: Travel speed X/Y = 10000
;   Feed: Travel Speed Z = 300
;   Feed: Enforce Feedrate = true
;   Feed: Scale Feedrate = false
;   Feed: Max XY Cut Speed = 1800
;   Feed: Max Z Cut Speed = 180
;   Feed: Max Toolpath Speed = 2000
; G1->G0 Mapping Properties:
;   Map: First G1 -> G0 Rapid = false
;   Map: G1s -> G0 Rapids = false
;   Map: Safe Z to Rapid = 5
;   Map: Allow Rapid Z = false
; *** START begin ***
;   Set Absolute Positioning
;   Units = mm
;   Disable stepper timeout
;   Set current position to 0,0,0
M84 S0
G92 X0 Y0 Z0
; *** START end ***
; *** SECTION begin ***
; Trace1 - Milling - Tool: 3 -  ball end mill
;   X Min: 1.001 - X Max: 144.13
;   Y Min: 1 - Y Max: 69.242
;   Z Min: -1 - Z Max: 15
; >>> Spindle Speed 5000
M3 S5000
M117  Trace1
G1 X48.534 Y9.689 Z15 F2000
G1 Z4 F2000
G1 Z-1 F333
G1 X48.362 Y9.434 F2000
G1 X48.161 Y9.186 F2000
G1 X47.931 Y8.943 F2000
G1 X47.672 Y8.707 F2000

G1 X130.393 Y40.431 F2000
G1 X129.942 Y40.376 F2000
G1 X129.502 Y40.285 F2000
G1 Z4 F2000
G1 Z15 F2000
; *** SECTION end ***
; *** STOP begin ***
G0 X0 Y0 F10000
M117 Job end
; *** STOP end ***

Does this help?

sorta. I’m going to go down the rabbit hole of doing all the CAM in Fusion and abandoning Vectric, at least for now.

but first, I’m trying to “air home” the machine , just to see it move the motors and stop when i hit the endstops . I mean “air” because I still have the belt ends disconnected.
I wired my endstops NC “normally closed” so when I do QUERY I get “Triggered” for all 4
Are yours wired this way?

One more thing
I’m using the first two pins of the 3 for each end stop. RU?

Yes, the right approach would be to wire the end stops as normally closed, however I just checked my temporary wiring and looks like I wired for normally open (I will change that when I next wire up).
This will mean that I’ll need to negate the PINS in the klipper config, which would explain why yours are starting in a triggered state if you duplicated mind. In other words you’ll likely need to drop the ‘!’ but keep the ‘^’, the second being for the pull up resistor.

Mine are disconnected from the board at the moment, but checking the motherboard schematic, the Singal and Ground pins look like the first two pins.

Ps… Smart to air home! I did my belted but moved the trucks to the center of the workspace first, and manually pressed the switches after homing, with another hand on the mouse over klippers emergency stop.

… Sorry for the slow progress on my side, along with solving the MPCNC cable management in my non work time I’m also building cabinetry and an Orrery for my niece who’s taken a sudden interest in space which I’d like to feed.

Hi Neil,

what orrey are you building?

I looked around at a few, wanted a simple one that I can help a 3 year old take apart and put back together again and allow me to explain orbits… So simple but sturdy, with a very loose amount of accuracy.

I started the design on Monday, started test prints yesterday, tweaked the design a little and now printing. I don’t want to derail this thread but I’ll include this one picture.


After numerous tweaks to the drag chain mountings I’m finally happy with where they’re at so wired everything back up… and it still works.
I corrected the endstops to normally closed, as Mark pointed out and also hooked up a 5 inch touch HDMI screen for local control with klipper screen.
The next modification I’m working on is a Z parking brake, for which I plan to use a servo to insert a spacer between the top of the core and the Z mounts.
All the modifications I’ve made and plan to make are additional to the MPCNC, fitting around Ryan’s parts and securing themselves to the open tubes.


Looks really cool!

Do you have a command and a relay to start your spindle or router?

I did try choosing rep rap when I “Create Fusion NC program” and it works too. I get an ‘unknown command’ error for M3 but it keeps running the file.


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Not started work on the spindle control yet, I have a spare solid state relay and a dimmer control that I plan to use, but afraid I’ve not looked at config for that yet. Are you planning variable speed or just on and off?

I’ve been working on a idea to apply a brake to the z axis before the power is removed and stop the bit falling into the workspace. I’m using the manual stepper capability of klipper and have built a small gearbox with a stepper to move an arm into place… Not complete yet… But here’s some progress pictures

can klipper be run from a raspberry pi touch screen? I’ve never tried, but figured it might be worth looking into. I have a primo with the skr pro 1.2, pi3b+ and the e3V3 display running marlin and octoprint, but I have an 8" pi touchscreen gathering dust that might be a better use with this. Curious if you have any thoughts on that with respect to klipper and how you interact with klipper with your manta setup.

There is yet another project to do just the screen stuff. It is klipper screen and can be installed by that cli script. It works well. My favorite thing is the real time speed display.

While I’m still not making chips yet, I do have klipperscreen running with a 5" BTT HDMI touchscreen and using it to control without any issues so far.

Klipper screen works great.


Are you going to use GRBL or Marlin? Are you using Fusion?

More importantly are you using a Manta board?

I’d like to set mine up with a Z limit on the high position and then use a probe on the top of the stock. I read that I can use g28 and g38 but I don’t know where to wire the probe.
