New MPCNC build: Primo + Manta MP8 + Klipper in BC, Canada

FYI here is the link to the video: Guide:Unboxing/Wiring/Firmware Installation of CB1&M8P(Voron 2.4 as an example) - YouTube The use of the second SD card is at 9:15

I have the v1.1 board. I put the jumper on to use USB power for setup. I bought the board and CB1 directly from BTT. So I ignored section 4.3.2 because it’s all about the Raspberry CM4. (is that what you have?)
I looked carefully at the sketches and photos in the instructions comparing v1.0 to v1.1. I don’t see 9 sockets on either one. I haven’t seen anything anywhere about motor driver 3 being different. i know that 3dp builds rarely use 2 x or y motors, but commonly use 2 or more for Z (and they have extruders). But I think the m8p is more generic.

I think that the difference in boards mean that I shouldn’t try to use your config files directly, but rather just follow the gist of what you’ve changed. I’ll document what I end up with on my build thread when I work it all out.

Have you included anything for dual end stops and self squaring?
