Hopefully this is not a duplicate post. Posted a while ago but it disappeared.
Built a new dust enclosure. I already have a dust control setup for my shop which includes a HF 2hp dust collector, Wynn filter, and a Thien baffle dust separator. I designed this in sketchup before I started cutting to hopefully make sure everything would fit together. The bottom 5 inches of the side panels are removable to accommodate larger projects. The entire enclosure is made of ¾ plywood and pocket screws except the spoil board. I did not get strong enough gas springs so the lid will not stay open. I have a temporary hook to hold it open. I put the 4 inch dust port on the side at spoil board level thinking it might also collect chips. We’ll see. I haven’t used it yet but I am pretty happy with the way it turned out.
Also, I have read recent posts in the forums about checking the set screws in the pulleys of the stepper motors. I have not had any issues running so I never checked them. When I moved the MPCNC to the enclosure I noticed one screw was completely missing and another was close to falling out. I will check them occasionally now!