New build Pensacola, FL

Just got notification that my LR2 kit just arrived. Got another week offshore then I’ll start building. Still have to print all of the parts and waiting for the 1” SS tubing to come in. Hopefully it will be there by the time I get home. For joe just reading everything I can in preparation. A few questions I haven’t run across the answers to yet

  1. I’m going for a full sheet (4x8) build and I see the table needs to be 56” x 111”. Can the table it’s self be 96” and the side rails stick out the rest of the way. If so I’m assuming half needs to be out one side and the other half out the other side so as to center the work piece in the span.

  2. Has anyone modeled a 2.5” DC adaptor using the Dewalt 611 router? Every one I have run across is using a different router and I’m fusion dumb lol.

  3. Is it possible to install some type or relay to turn the router on and off with Gcode? Well I know that’s possible I guess I’m more asking what relay should I get. Going to be running SKR v1.3 board if that matters

I’ll add more questions as I think of them. Thanks in advance for all the help Ryan and this forum has provided. I can’t wait to get it up and running!

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  1. Yes. You can make the surface of your table a full sheet of plywood, and attach 2x4 rails to the long sides for the wheels to roll on. You might want to consider also adding a parking area on the end of your table so you can get your gantry away from your workpiece when your job is complete.

  2. Ugh… Had a long answer based on DC=Direct Current. Then the brain fires and I realize it’s Dust Collection. Simple solution is duct tape and/or the plumbing section of your local Home Depot… :smiley:


Thanks for the info! I guess for the dust collection I was more wondering if anyone had a different port to mount on the router plate.

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Added a 3rd question about controlling the router via gcode

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Search the forum for IoT, and you’ll find quite a few references.

I have but must not be searching the right thing. Will keep trying. Thanks

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Just click that magnifying glass, type in ‘iot’, and all the results that pop up are about router control.

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IOT. got it. Thanks!!!

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Welcome !

You may want to just ask newer questions in new replies. the way the forum works, I’m not sure anyone would notice a new question added with an edit, and it make the conversations make more sense.


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I made a larger dust port. A 2.5" dust hose is a slightly loose fit, but mine stays on. It requires “squishing” the tube a little because the port is oblong. I think this is pretty much the largest dust port that will fit on the stock router plate without modification. Unlike Ryan’s more elegantly designed parts this requires support to print.

I’m still building mine, but I would not bother with a 2.5" hose. Get 10ft of 1.25" ID hose that will be permanently attached to the machine and plug it to whatever larger one the shop system uses. The smaller hose runs nicely on top of the angle bolted to gantry without a need for a hose “crane” or similar stuff. I can imagine 2.5" being so large that it gets on the way. I found something called Craftsman 38662 1-1/4 in. 5-Piece Wet/Dry Vac Car Cleaning Kit Comes with a nice flexible hose that fits the LR port perfectly. An adapter that plugs to a 2.5" opening is also included.

Good morning everyone. Been home almost a week now and have just a few last parts to print. Got my table built and now im ready to cut out the Y plates and the 611 plate. Now to my question. how can i print out the file for these on standard 8.5" x 11" Paper so i can mark and cut them? i understand the plate is larger than that and ill have to use 2 pieces of paper but i cant even get the file to print out at all. pretty sure im just not holding my mouth right. going to try again after i finish my coffee lol

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That info is the very last item on the faq:

(I don’t chastise people for not reading everything. The tone is hard to see from the text, but this is helpful, and not a RTFM post).

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Thanks! I missed that somehow

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Besides, look at that smilin’ face! He’s not calling anyone out (except me, he can call me out any time :heart_eyes:)…

God, I need more coffee and/or sleep… :sleepy:

The smiling avatar really helps.

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Ok let me start this new problem with the disclaimer that i am a firmware idiot. I cant ever get this stuff to work right. Anyways… Im running a Ramps stack that i already had so i did not get it from @vicious1. I went to the firmware page and that sent me to the github page. i selected MPCNC_RAMPS_T8_16T_LCD_32step and downloaded the zip. Opened it up in arduino just like the firmware page said. selected the “Arduino Mega or Mega 2560” board “ATmega 2560” processor and the com port for the board. i hit the arrow to upload and it says “compiling sketch” for a few seconds then pops up "error compiling for board Arduion Mega or Mega 2560. What am i doing wrong? i have tried this about 10 times now and keep coming up with the same error. i must be missing something. Thanks in advance for any help!!!

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What error messages are you getting? I assume you have the u8glib library and are using arduino 1.8.9 or later?

Yes just updated Arduino and i installed the u8glib library. Let me see if i can copy the error log and upload it here…

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