New Build in Amazon jungle, Peru. Controller Board?

Hi everyone, I only learned about the MPCNC 3 days ago and after spending many hours watching vidoes on youtube I decided that this would be a great starter and learner build for me as well as a very useful tool. I was considering PrintNC also but realized that the ballscrew and linear rail hardware would be very expensive and if I was going to buy and ship all of that here I would not make the structure out of lightweight tubing as I have a metal working shop and can build heavy duty components. So I found 1" stainless tubing at one of the metal stores here so I got 6 meters of that and I already started printing the connector parts and ordered all of my hardware from Amazon including a Makita router. Amazon and Aliexpress have recently introduced free shipping on many items here so I order from them all the time and they work very well. Not everything has free shipping so it is either free or prohibitively expensive so I have to shop for the shipping carefully. So I have everything ordered, purchased, or being printed but I lack one component to decide on which is the controller. That is one thing I am not very knowledgeable about so I read through many of the comments trying to learn about the topic but most of the comments are from 3 to 5 years ago and I know that firmware and software funcionality changes rapidly. So, can anyone help me with advice or point me to a recent thread that covers this? Keep in mind I am building the primo at with a 20" x "24 workspace and will use it for routing wood and milling aluminum. Also, while I am happy to buy from Ryan to support his work shipping here is an issue and aliexpress and amazon ship free on many things. Thank You


Please take others view points as I personally don’t own the one I would recommend.

With that said, my next controller will be a jackpot, and because that right now is the latest and greatest that would be the top of my list. However unless I haven’t been paying attention enough, it’s only available from V1E.

Which means in respect to your shipping concerns, I would think the correct recommendation for you would be the SKR Pro, or maybe the Rambo as another option. Both of which I do have, Rambo on the Primo style, and SKR on a LR.

Getting the “like” board that Ryan sells, and flashing with his firmware would work and save on the shipping.

But if you wanted to spend some money on shipping or can’t get a board with free shipping, I would say the Jackpot from Ryan.

Hopefully that helps, and is going to be inline with other’s opinions.
Otherwise I’m checking in everyday and not learning as much as I thought.


Here’s a thread on a group from Europe purchasing the Jackpot board:

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thanks…what is the “like” board that Ryan sells?

Ryan currently sells the SKR Pro 1.2. If you can find this affordably in-country, or with good shipping that would be an option. Be sure to get it with 5 TMC2209 stepper drivers. If you want to use a touch LCD controller, then the BTT TFT35 v3.0 E3 is what he currently sells for non-Jackpot boards.

As noted above, with this EXACT combo, you can flash the firmware that is available to the boards and be sure they would work.

Ryan’s shop page for this is here:

The Jackpot board, as mentioned above, is a great option and depending on what you can source otherwise, this is a really good controler for any of the V1 machines that Ryan has designed.

Jackpot board is here:

And, since you already know about the MPCNC, you’ve surely already found the start of the documentation links:

Feel free to post here as you go, the community will help you along as you make progress.

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My apologies for causing confusion.

Ryan sells the Big Tree Tech SKR Pro1.2

So by “like” I meant the same board with the same specifications.
Others have used different boards, and can offer more input going that route. That’s not within my skill set.

I believe he no longer sells the Rambo, but for reference you can find photos here

You might find Ryan selling one of those (maybe) on eBay, but I’m assuming shipping would still be the issue. And although I’m still running it, it would be the last one on my list.

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Thanks so much. After spending like 3 hours researching all the options of apparantly different vendors on Aliexpress and trying to figure out which ones were the Real Big Tree Tech by comparing their store info (I think the fake ones are using the business license of the real company) I found that the items all had free shipping to here on Amazon so just purchased from the more easily discerned BigTreeTech store on Amazon where they claim you get tecnical help and a gaurantee also.

$132.00 delivered to my door in the Amazon jungle in Peru. Amazing. Big Help. thanks


this is where I am by the way:


It is pretty funny to me that Amazon delivers to the amazon.

I tried to convince one of my kid’s friends that if you wanted to buy from amazon, you had to go to the amazon to register an account. Her mom has been, but not her dad. So I was trying to convince her that only her mom was allowed to buy stuff from amazon.

ha…I have thought of that a time or two also.

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