Nehe40640 Focus

Question for the experts…

I did a ramp test burn to check the focus height and it came out to be best at 47mm +/- a mm. I have been doing alot of cuts and it seems to be doing fine, but I see on the interweb that there are alot of individuals using this laser that have quite a bit lower focus heights.

Does 47 mm seem ok?


Are you measuring from the bottom of the lens or from the bottom of the aluminum housing?

I was trying to get some similar advice a while back.

I have a video linked on that thread that has a 22mm focal distance. I believe I have my lens screwed in all the way in (long focal distance) and my optimal focus distance is ~ 21mm (so similar to what they have on the video).

Sorry for the delay…I have it measured from the bottom of the housing…

Does it have an effect on cuttng/engraving if the lens is screwed in all the way, left how it is from the factory, etc as long as the focus is correct at the workpiece?

I own two of these modules. Mine two are the old, original version. My focus distance, measured from the bottom of the metal housing and with the lens screwed all the way in, is around 20mm for both.

My guess is that longer focal distance will hurt engraving, requiring more power or slower federate, but might help cutting. A longer focus distance will create a larger area where the beam is nearly in focus allowing the laser to cut better since more of the beam will be in focus through the thickness of the material.

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