Need advice Bigtreetech SKR-PRO-V1.2 & TFT 35 LCD

Hope everyone is doing great . Just getting to the end of my build of the LowRider V3 But having problems with getting the machine to work properly. I have a SKR PRO V1.2 and a TFT35 touch screen I have used firmwear Bin and it has loaded all the arrows worked screen worked but as soon as I put a file in to cut the strut or anything it stops working . I’ve had to reinstall the firmwear many times and now it won’t take it. need what ever help you guys could give me P.S. should everything on th machine be grounded?.

Let’s start with some good pictures of you controller and its’ wiring, preferably as installed on the LR, and also some good pictures of your machine.

Returns should be hooked up, but not everything is grounded (e.g. motor cases, spindle/router, linear rails)

Since you’ve got an SKR that won’t take a file, we should start that bit of troubleshooting with you providing a picture of the SD card, and a listing of the files that are on it.

Is this SKR one that came from Ryan via the V1 store? (Those are flashed and don’t need anything else to work on an LR3)

Thanks for helping Jim . I sent pictures of the controller and the SD card. I’ve got it working with the arrows now but I think I’m loading the programs in wrong. I think I’m going to order a laptop jut for the CNC machine If you think that’s a good ideal ?. I thought I could just download the strut file and put it on the SD card and put into the Bigtree board it comes up with the drive but doesn’t show anything on it.

![IMG**[quote=“MakerJim, post:2, topic:43390, full:true”]
[quote="Dave Gethings, post:1, topic:43390,

need what ever help you guys could give me

Let’s start with some good pictures of you controller and its’ wiring, preferably as installed on the LR, and also some good pictures of your machine.

Returns should be hooked up, but not everything is grounded (e.g. motor cases, spindle/router, linear rails)

Since you’ve got an SKR that won’t take a file, we should start that bit of troubleshooting with you providing a picture of the SD card, and a listing of the files that are on it.

Is this SKR one that came from Ryan via the V1 store? (Those are flashed and don’t need anything else to work on an LR3)


Jim this is a picture of the file i tried to upload to the Lowrider but when i put it into the SD card reader on the Bigtree Board nothing would show up I tried tacking a video but too long to e-mail . I’ll try to tack a shorter video tomorrow and send it to you.

That is an Estlcam project file. You need the .gcode file

Here are some more pictures iI took today after I run the program through Estlcam and hopefully turned it into g-code. but still nothing came up on the TFT35 screen.
Man oh Man what am I doing wrong .

hope this helps some to see what I’m doing wrong. do you guys and gals do you use a laptop connected to your Lowrider V3.


I think many if not most, of us use an SD card, plugged into the controller to run a job. Put the g-code on a full-sized SD card and plug it in. It should then show up on the screen.

If you are using a USB cable from a computer, you’ll need a gcode sender, like Repetier Host, or Pronterface to send it to the machine.

This explains the whole process: Software Workflow - V1 Engineering Documentation


Hi Mike thanks for any help you can give me I really appreciate it… So are you saying use a full size SD card and plug it into theTFT35 . I will try that did you happen to see the programs that I took a picture of I did it on Estlcam I think it’s a g-code program. I lust see all you guys running stuff on the Lowrider V3 and I thought I followed everything to the T but I must have done something wrong. but I’ll go give it a try .
Thanks Again Mike

Hi Mike no go it says SD Card inserted but doesn’t show any files and when you remove it it says SD Card removed. Man I really feel like an idiot.

Hi Mike am I suppose to install Arduino software to my control board first. Before it can read the SD Card?.

Are you putting the SD card in the screen or the controller. I use the controller. There is no “Arduino software” per se.

If you got the controller from V1 Engineering then the software was already programmed into the controller and screen. If you tried to have EstlCAM directly control the machine, you may have overwritten the software in the controller. If you didn’t do that, then the software should be fine.

If you bought the controller from another source, then follow this procedure.
