
Some of the sharp corners can’t be done with the CNC, at least not milling everything flat

The inner corner of the fingers will always be rounded.

You can probably use a dovetail bit for the female part and keep a rounded top too, but it may look pretty strange

Im just going to be the first to say it, yeah I was only half thinking. For some reason the fact that no matter what shape the bit is, it spins in a circle completely skipped my mind.

This is part of the fun of those joints, they’re real brain teasers :smiley:

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is it cheating to cnc from the end grain on the one side so both edges are squared off and that rounding problem disappears?

What, and you couldn’t pull a vacuum through steel? Weaksauce…

Sure, you can do this, but you need to setup your stock vertically in the CNC, which can be difficult, or impossible if you didn’t specifically design your table for this
The whole point/challenge here is to be able to machine those dovetails “flat”, all from the top of the material


Sure, you can do this, but you need to setup your stock vertically in the CNC, which can be difficult, or impossible if you didn’t specifically design your table for this
The whole point/challenge here is to be able to machine those dovetails “flat”, all from the top of the material

Yes it is cheating.


CoreXY’s are so 2023. Tricked out Bed Slingers are the bang for buck future… :slight_smile:

I just looked them up. It is fast but the benchy looked not good.

The cooling is interesting.
Thanks 4 posting.

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Have you been drinking Bambu juice again? :rofl: :rofl:

I thought this was pretty cool. Still watching the video.

Look how much it costs though $1300


That has a bit of a Sherline mini mill feel to it…

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Workspace: 340mm x 160mm x 120mm

I would want more than a piece of paper cutting size for $1300.

They seem to present it as easy to set up and it comes with an hour of support. That seems nice. It runs reprap firmware. I’m not sure what controller.

Without controller and spindle? In theory I like this machine a lot but I wonder what Mr V1e @vicious1 could do - a ply or ACM box beam structure with printed bits and linear rails surely would do the trick?

Ivan Miranda also has an interesting design of “Knee mill” available, wonder how it compares to this one price-wise and performance-wise


Man, if only we all had the resources that Ivan does. That guy creates alot of wild things, and always seems to be very well built!

Maybe a mini desktop mill belongs in the V1 portfolio. I keep seeing all these little ones come up now. I’m probably just ad targeted.

It only needs to be big enough to mill the M3DP parts.

Would it be better enough at aluminum / other metals to be worth having a second machine in addition to a LR3 or MPCNC?

If you made a MPCNC with the same workable area I am not sure if there would be much performance difference. I could be wrong but, as it is we can kinda tear up aluminum.

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Maybe a dedicated design with small work area and high rigidity with cutting mild steel as a goal?