My Simple Lr4 3-Axis Probing solution....(FluidNC)

Hello All,

Happy New Year! So yesterday I rounded out the year with a quick video showing my 3-axis probing solution. I wanted a quick, easy solution that would allow me to precisely probe the origin of my workpiece so that I could optimize the usable space.

I may grind down the sides of my touch plate (corner brace) to 1/4" tall so that I can use in on materials <3/4" thick. Links to gcode and materials are in the youtube description.

Enjoy! (or, if you must, tell my what I did wrong… :thinking: :rofl:)


Looks great. Glad to see you got this figured out.

Your table looks awesome.

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Very nice! Thank you for sharing.

Nice, that looks great. A feature that has been requested for quite a while. :slight_smile:


Love this! I have a nice “corner style” touch plate that is made for this, but I never bothered locating a script for using it as a 3 axis probing plate.

I went to your video description on YouTube and clicked for the modified code, but Google drive says I need access. Would you mind to share your Gcode script here? I think a lot of makers would appreciate it. I know I would.

Here’s a link to the same kind of 3" corner brace shown on Home Depot web site (and it’s a 6-pack, so not sure what you’d do with the other 5):

Is the 3" corner brace made of ferrous metal? If so, then one possible idea for a slightly different approach, is to have a strong disc magnet, say 1/2" diameter by 1/8" thick, stuck to the end of your Tiny Touch Plate, and it could be used to stick the Tiny Touch Plate directly to the corner brace.

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Very nice build Anthony. The LR4, table and FluidDial all look great.

I tried clicking to see your macro also and was denied access. Could you post it here please?


Sorry, I thought I made the folder sharable…Oops.

It is shared now…


The easiest, cheapest method is the aluminum foil duct tape method. Easy replaceable, but the best would be a Fence cutted square and place the Zero 1/4" behind, i just use some old bits shanks to place between the fence and the material. (I use pvc plastic strips scraps because they are cheap )

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Thoz shortened kinks don’t work. Can you upload the direct link in the forums?

Thanks for sharing access with me!

For anyone having trouble accessing it, here’s a zip file containing both of his scripts: (2.2 KB)


Very cool. The commercial versions of the corner finder have a hole in the top, and the bit is to be positioned over the hole. If students are going to be using this plate, consider scribing a circle on the plate and telling them the bit must be inside the circle. If the dimple is causing the plate to sit unevenly on the wood, you could grind it away.

I’d love to see a forum topic detailing how the students are using the machine.


There are 3 dimples that are evenly spaced and they sit nicely ontop of the material. I was concidering cricuting an outline of a 1/2" circle from permanent vinyl for that very purpose…my main goal is to keep it simple. Easy to use and simple to replace… The coner brace checks all the boxes. Once I get any other “bugs” worked out then I’ll bring the kids on-line. I will certainly post videos of them working and growing with the LR4


I milled one of those as one of my first jobs on the Primo back in the day:

It‘s still going strong. :slight_smile:


That is pretty cool!!! I did not realize those gadgets showed the code it was going to run!!! I said i did not need one, now not so sure! And just a cheap home depot bracket, crazy!


That’s great. Even a an X or circle drawn with a sharpie would work.

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