My second lowrider

Yes, they are made from corian countertop. I always have some around. I get it on Craigslist or marketplace. Someone is always getting rid of some cheap. As long as you don’t care about color it’s an amazing material that machine’s beautifully.


Decided to print design 8 studios controller box after test fitting the original. Will make a final decision after this one finishes up,

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Came out perfect.


Y rail is in and as level and strait as I can make it.


And the award for the longest LowRider goes too…



Hey cool. And I’m blown away at your work on building an aircraft!!!

Re. the control box - I was just a lowly remixer of Ryan’s cool design!

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Holy cow how long is that table!!

Nice table! Looks like a runway.

Finally getting back to finishing up this build. Had a career change and things have finally settled down. Everything is running as it should. Now just need to square and level. Then a test cut.


Great looking setup! I was inspired by your Corian side plates and made up a set a month or two ago and have been super happy with them.


Looking good!

Hi, your LR3 is looking great, good job! I’m making a kinda similar sized LR3 (5.25’x10’)

  • I’m just wondering what thickness tube you are using? I plan on using Ø25x2mm (Converts to about 1"x5/64" :face_with_spiral_eyes: ?) 304 stainless tube
    I’m concerned with weight and if the steppers are able to lift the x gantry

  • Does it have much sag when the x gantry is in the middle of the work area?

Hope you don’t mind answering the few questions :slight_smile:

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There is a video of the LowRider 2 weightlifting. That should not be a problem.


I used the stainless tubes from my lowrider 2. I don’t see any droop in the middle. I do have to limit my rapids to 8000. I think the added mass of my drag chain and width of the gantry is the limiting factor. Squaring everything was the longest process for me. As I’m building an aircraft, I was being extremely picky.


That is insane, I hardly call that a limit. My printers are at 1950, 8000 is basically no limit.
You might want to test the JD and set a more realistic accel.

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My rapids are also at 8000 with low acceleration. Works fine with a stock LowRider.

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Stock acceleration is fine, even at very high speeds. I left the acceleration unchanged and I cranked the speed up higher and higher. It got to be scary and I stopped increasing speed before I found any symptom of a limitation of the machine. I don’t remember exactly but I am pretty sure it was above 8000, like 10000 or 12000 I want to say. This was at 24V by the way.

Decreasing acceleration is bad because it affects both rapids and cutting, so in my case I would cap rapids before I would decrease acceleration, and even then I couldn’t find the upper limit of rapids.

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Yeah, my LR3 has the X/Y speed capped at 12000 mm/min (200mm/s) and I have no trouble with that, on 24V with 1500mm/s^2 acceleration.

Of course that isn’t a cutting speed, and I tend to make my rapids slower than that, because I donrlt need spinny cutting power tools moving that fast if it might be near my hands…

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Whoops, I was tuning accelerations, and read that as Accelerations, not Rapids. 133mm/s is pretty good.

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Hello @KCdad! Curious how your Zenith Ch 750 and other large project builds are going?

Have been mentioning your table size, and project to various folks (e.g. RMRRF) as an great example of what’s possible with a LowRider. Am anticipating mentioning you again at Open Sauce, let me know if there’s a place you’d like folks to visit to follow your progress?
