I thought I would post some pics of my set up. I am not finished with mods yet as I want to raise the whole thing up a bit as I am finding that the work piece is often higher than the bed meaning I am working on bottom of the Z axis.

I am using the Rambo 1.4 with dual end stops. I have a RaspberryPi 3b+ along side. I re-purposed a VERY old PC running Linux to access the set up screen. I don’t have a keyboard and screen on my Pi.

I am running an Octoprint set up and using Octoremote on my phone. I am able to set up a job by using the end stops. Once I have that position I have a button that takes the router to 0,0 of my L clamp. I have another button that zeros the axis there. I have another button that moves X25 Y25 so I can can use my Z touch (you can see it in a holder on the top of the Z axis). I touch down then have a button that sets Z to the height of the touch plate. I can jog and move from my phone using Octoremote. The whole set up means I can take a job down, do something to it and easily set it back up to do additional work. - For me this repeat-ability is very desirable.

I have been playing with different cutters and different jobs. I have cut some wooden pieces out and engraved some wooden pieces. I have just bought a number of cutters to try.

I use Fusion 360 to create the CAM, although I am pretty adept with the software I am still experimenting with settings and approaches to get the best results.[attachment file=91170]


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Nice build, and the clamps look to be working great!

Thanks Ryan. I am about to modify it and raise it up a little. I have found that the length I made the legs was not optimal. The clamping system does work well. I actually made the handle cams out of wood on the MPCNC first off but then I thought about 3-D printing them. It was pretty cool as I took the exact same model that I used to machine them and used it to print them and they worked perfectly.

This is one of my first engravings. - I think it turned out pretty cool.

[attachment file=“92052”]