My MPCNC from Germany

My MPCNC IE build:
70 x 70 cm dimensions
Stainless steel 2mm material strength
suggested steppers from stepperonline
custom table from “Baumarkt” spruce (strange word that is)
Picture build story:

First parts
Parts finished
Test fit
CNC table
Z- wiring and spindle
GCODE test
First test

Next is cutting :slight_smile:

Greetings, i am also from good old germany. Nice to see one more nice build. Mine is already working, but cable chains are still missing. Urrently building my cyclone dust collector. 1st test was 100 holes and 100 pockets for m5 hammernuts for my workspace-clambs.

I also got a better KRESS toolmount with integrated dust shoe and a clamp raster hole pattern with hammernuts on my to do list. Like many other smaller things that bother me. I really need to get it home as it stands at work at the moment, so I can get more build time on it.

I wrote on my blog about most of the problems and the results. So if anyone is interested just check it out.