My LR V3 build journey

Looks great! Thanks for the updates!

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If you are running a Jackpot control board you can get Barts add on RS485 board and control that VFD right from the webui

Wish I knew that if so I would have went that route lol kind of been making it all up as I go but I have the other board kind of regretting not going jackpot

That’s no big deal. Gives you something to look forward to upgrading later down the road!

Yes, the Jackpot board has some advantages, and is definitely the flavour of the moment. However the SKR board has its own advantages. It is very mature (the bugs seem to have been mostly worked out), and the Marlin code is familiar and easy to understand for anyone who has ever playe with most types of 3D printing (IMO)

But for now another step towards completion. I have really enjoyed this processes and also kinda going off the beaten path and doing my own thing. Control box is together now just waiting for the wiring to show up

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