My burly build

Still a work in progress but it’s about 95% complete i’d say. Have got it running to do the pen drawing test with the estlcam tutorial and aside from a scale issue (which has already been resolved), all that’s left is to secure the table (it wobbles with movement) and clean up/secure the wiring.

Build size is a full 30"x40" tabletop; I wanted my work area to be big enough to cut a full 20x30 sheet of foam board.

Went for the optimus prime look with red/blue filament for the parts, cut my print time in half by having both of my 3d printers running simultaneously.

Some pics of the build process…


So in trying to decide how to clean up the wiring, i decided to greatly over engineer things. Picked up a steel enclosure from work and mounted the board and a couple terminal blocks to land the motor/endstop wires.

Question for the group; how are you guys attaching drag chains to the gantry?