MPCNC stutters

Older drivers line the A4988 and the DRV8825 have small potentiometers (pots) on the board for manually adjusting the maximum current to the motors. Newer drivers allow this to be set digitally through firmware/software, so they are digi-pots.

Thanks Tom,

So should I alter the line in the ‘Configuration_adv.h?’
And my stepper current is 2.0A, so should I change it to 2 Amps?

I’m running the older drivers, so I can’t advise you on what settings to use. I do recall reading you had to pick a value that mapped to the current you were aiming for, it wasn’t as simple as entering the amps you wanted, but since it wasn’t directly applicable to my situation it hasn’t stayed in my head.

I will wait untill someone verified it before I change something

Like I said, I haven’t used that board, so I’m not sure which of the current settings is the right one.

But it is probably one of those you mentioned.

Digipots are potentiometers that are set digitally. Which means the software can control the current limit. There are many different types, controlled with different software. So you’ll need to figure out which software setting is right for your board.

What current shall I try? It’s rated for 2.0A… if I feed it with 1.6A (80%) would that be a good value?

If you go too high, the motors will heat uo enough to deforn the pla. You want to keep them under about 50C. 1A seems like it should be fine, honestly.

Oké… I feel really stupid… I think I know why my latest test/work was out of ratio (squased).
1 of the stepper motors wasn’t connected and it wasn’t really obvious at all.

Now the next problem… now I want to get the dual endstops to work.
When I home the Y-axis everything is fine, but when I home the X-axis something is not working.
1 of the stepper motors isn’t moving at all.

Did you connect it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes yes, I made sure it was connected… When I first got my MPCNC I also tried the dual endstop and 1 wasn’t working, so I ordered some new ones from Ali. They look simular but this ones apperently also has a blue light. So I replaced the ‘broke’ endstop, but then it wasn’t working. When I ran the M119 command that one was ‘Triggered.’ Then I replaced it again with the old one and ran the M119 command again. Now all endstops where ‘open.’ I hit the home commands and… YES it was working.

I have a question about the endstops I ordered… why do they show up as ‘triggered’?
Is this something you have to set in the firmware?

Also I re ran my latest test/work again and now it came out great!

Also I tried CNCjs and I really like it. it’s a bit different from Repetier, but I like it more.
The one thing that doesn’t seem to work as well are the manual commands… I’m used to run G92 command, but that didn’t work in CNCjs. After some fiddleing I did it another way

The coordinate display isn’t always updating in cncjs. So you can send G92 and it doesn’t look like it worked. I think M115 updates the coords.

Oké but when I type for example ‘G1 X0 Y0 F400’ it doesn’t work either…

I typed it in the black console part

Weird. That should go straight through to Marlin.

What XXX?

I’ll try again tomorrow… the XXX stands for any random number. It doesn’t stand for a speed or something, so please don’t try it… I will change my post.