MPCNC Size and Belt

Hey! I am super excited, I just ordered a MPCNC kit off the website and am about 80% done printing all the parts on my Prusa. I am getting ready to go to the hardware store to get some electrical conduit. I had a few questions first:

  1. The kit says it comes with enough belt for total outer dimensions of 48" (24"x24"). Looks like the equivalent build volume to these outer dimensions is 13"x13". Does this seem accurate? Did I use the calculator on the website correctly?

  2. Is a build volume of 15" or 20" too large? Has anyone built one this big and could you tell me how it went?


Mine has a cut area of 20x30 and it works. 30x40 was the first iteration and it was way too big.


It all depends on what materials you plan on cutting. My build area is 24”x24” (using DOM tubing) because I misunderstood the instructions and thought it said that was the recommended max. :roll_eyes: I’ve only cut wood and plastic on it so far, without issue. But I’m not sure how it will handle aluminum.

I’ve seen a couple posts talk about building it larger and then reducing the size using the same tubing by moving three corners inward and having the tubing stick out the ends. But feasibility of that will depend on how you build your table. You’d also have to plan out your cabling well.

Also note that Z has a big influence as well so try to make that as short as possible. I used the minimum height feet tubes with a drop table to be able to cut larger height parts.

Best of luck!

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What would you say a decent Z cut area would be? I am not sure if I plan on cutting anything greater than like 2". The default Z height on the calculator was 3.25" I believe.

Then you have half of it as cutting depth. Minimal size Z is the best idea. :slightly_smiling_face: