Playing with only connected z motor.
I see now there are branded 2209 from BTT v1.2 and MKS v2.0.
Any recommendations on 2209 version?
The ESP-32 LED is on, and USB is not plugged in. It has to be connected.
Well bummer. I was hoping that it was an easy fix. The grey wire on the right looks like itâs plugged in to the USB. Oh well.
The power cable connected and plugged in. 19.35 V measured
The grey cable in just under the board. Sorry it is misleading. So there is only power cable and 4 stepper wires connected to Z.
Is interesting about red led on ESP. there is no USB cable but it is on. Are you sure it should be off?
Ordered new drivers BTT v1.3.
Hope arrive in two weeks
I just found this on AliExpress:
âŹ6.17 | BIGTREETECH TMC2209 V1.3 Stepper Motor Driver UART VS TMC2208 TMC2130 3D Printer Parts For Octopus V1.1 SKR 2 Board Ender 3 V2
could you Please upload your config.yaml file?
You are right. It should be on.
Did you try removing a heat sink? Yours are a lot bigger than the ones I have and they cover most of the top of your stepper drivers.
This is mine:
Those heat sinks are scalloped. The contact footprint is smaller than the upper finned area. You can see that a bit in the photos up above if you look carefully.
This. Do this.
We need to take another look at this, also. Your errors indicate that FluidNC is unable to communicate with any of the driver UARTs. At this point my guess is 50/50 whether you have an incorrect config.yaml or an incorrectly configured UART pinout on your TMC2209 step sticks.
board: Jackpot TMC2209
name: MPCNC
meta: 03-15-2024 RyanZ
planner_blocks: 32
engine: I2S_STATIC
idle_ms: 255
pulse_us: 2
dir_delay_us: 1
disable_delay_us: 0
txd_pin: gpio.0
rxd_pin: gpio.4
rts_pin: NO_PIN
baud: 115200
mode: 8N1
shared_stepper_disable_pin: NO_PIN
steps_per_mm: 50.000
max_rate_mm_per_min: 9000.000
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 200.000
max_travel_mm: 1220
soft_limits: false
cycle: 1
positive_direction: false
mpos_mm: 3
feed_mm_per_min: 300.000
seek_mm_per_min: 1500.000
settle_ms: 500
seek_scaler: 1.100
feed_scaler: 1.100
limit_neg_pin: gpio.25:high
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: false
pulloff_mm: 4.000
uart_num: 1
addr: 0
cs_pin: NO_PIN
r_sense_ohms: 0.110
run_amps: 0.800
homing_amps: 0.800
hold_amps: 0.500
microsteps: 8
stallguard: 0
stallguard_debug: false
toff_disable: 0
toff_stealthchop: 5
toff_coolstep: 3
run_mode: StealthChop
homing_mode: StealthChop
use_enable: false
direction_pin: I2SO.1
step_pin: I2SO.2
disable_pin: I2SO.0
limit_neg_pin: gpio.35:high
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: false
pulloff_mm: 4.000
uart_num: 1
addr: 3
cs_pin: i2so.14
r_sense_ohms: 0.110
run_amps: 0.800
homing_amps: 0.800
hold_amps: 0.500
microsteps: 8
stallguard: 0
stallguard_debug: false
toff_disable: 0
toff_stealthchop: 5
toff_coolstep: 3
run_mode: StealthChop
homing_mode: StealthChop
use_enable: false
step_pin: I2SO.13
direction_pin: I2SO.12
disable_pin: I2SO.15
steps_per_mm: 50.000
max_rate_mm_per_min: 9000.000
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 200.000
max_travel_mm: 2440
soft_limits: false
cycle: 2
positive_direction: false
mpos_mm: 3
feed_mm_per_min: 300.000
seek_mm_per_min: 1500.000
settle_ms: 500
seek_scaler: 1.100
feed_scaler: 1.100
limit_neg_pin: gpio.33:high
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: false
pulloff_mm: 4.000
uart_num: 1
addr: 1
cs_pin: NO_PIN
r_sense_ohms: 0.110
run_amps: 0.800
homing_amps: 0.800
hold_amps: 0.500
microsteps: 8
stallguard: 0
stallguard_debug: false
toff_disable: 0
toff_stealthchop: 5
toff_coolstep: 3
run_mode: StealthChop
homing_mode: StealthChop
use_enable: false
step_pin: I2SO.5
direction_pin: I2SO.4
disable_pin: I2SO.7
limit_neg_pin: gpio.34:high
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: false
pulloff_mm: 4.000
uart_num: 1
addr: 3
cs_pin: i2so.19
r_sense_ohms: 0.110
run_amps: 0.800
homing_amps: 0.800
hold_amps: 0.500
microsteps: 8
stallguard: 0
stallguard_debug: false
toff_disable: 0
toff_stealthchop: 5
toff_coolstep: 3
run_mode: StealthChop
homing_mode: StealthChop
use_enable: false
step_pin: I2SO.18
direction_pin: I2SO.17
disable_pin: I2SO.16
steps_per_mm: 200.000
max_rate_mm_per_min: 1200.000
acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 80.000
max_travel_mm: 300.000
soft_limits: false
cycle: 0
positive_direction: true
mpos_mm: 200.000
feed_mm_per_min: 300.000
seek_mm_per_min: 800.000
settle_ms: 500
seek_scaler: 1.100
feed_scaler: 1.100
limit_neg_pin: gpio.32:low
limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
hard_limits: false
pulloff_mm: 4.000
uart_num: 1
addr: 2
cs_pin: NO_PIN
r_sense_ohms: 0.110
run_amps: 0.800
homing_amps: 0.800
hold_amps: 0.500
microsteps: 8
stallguard: 0
stallguard_debug: false
toff_disable: 0
toff_stealthchop: 5
toff_coolstep: 3
run_mode: StealthChop
homing_mode: StealthChop
use_enable: false
step_pin: I2SO.10
direction_pin: I2SO.9
disable_pin: I2SO.8
# c:
# steps_per_mm: 80.000
# max_rate_mm_per_min: 5000.000
# acceleration_mm_per_sec2: 100.000
# max_travel_mm: 300.000
# soft_limits: false
# homing:
# cycle: 1
# positive_direction: true
# mpos_mm: 150.000
# feed_mm_per_min: 100.000
# seek_mm_per_min: 800.000
# settle_ms: 500
# seek_scaler: 1.100
# feed_scaler: 1.100
# motor0:
# limit_neg_pin: gpio.39:low
# limit_pos_pin: NO_PIN
# limit_all_pin: NO_PIN
# hard_limits: false
# pulloff_mm: 3.000
# tmc_2209:
# uart_num: 1
# addr: 3
# cs_pin: i2so.22
# r_sense_ohms: 0.110
# run_amps: 0.800
# homing_amps: 0.800
# hold_amps: 0.500
# microsteps: 16
# stallguard: 0
# stallguard_debug: false
# toff_disable: 0
# toff_stealthchop: 5
# toff_coolstep: 3
# run_mode: StealthChop
# homing_mode: StealthChop
# use_enable: false
# step_pin: I2SO.21
# direction_pin: I2SO.20
# disable_pin: I2SO.23
bck_pin: gpio.22
data_pin: gpio.21
ws_pin: gpio.17
miso_pin: gpio.19
mosi_pin: gpio.23
sck_pin: gpio.18
cs_pin: gpio.5
card_detect_pin: NO_PIN
frequency_hz: 20000000
pin: gpio.36:low
toolsetter_pin: NO_PIN
check_mode_start: true
must_home: false
flood_pin: gpio.2
mist_pin: gpio.16
delay_ms: 0
safety_door_pin: NO_PIN
reset_pin: NO_PIN
feed_hold_pin: NO_PIN
cycle_start_pin: NO_PIN
macro0_pin: NO_PIN
macro1_pin: NO_PIN
macro2_pin: NO_PIN
macro3_pin: NO_PIN
analog0_pin: NO_PIN
analog1_pin: NO_PIN
analog2_pin: NO_PIN
analog3_pin: NO_PIN
analog0_hz: 5000
analog1_hz: 5000
analog2_hz: 5000
analog3_hz: 5000
digital0_pin: gpio.26
digital1_pin: gpio.27
digital2_pin: NO_PIN
digital3_pin: NO_PIN
# pwm_hz: 5000
# output_pin: gpio.27
# enable_pin: NO_PIN
# disable_with_s0: false
# s0_with_disable: true
# tool_num: 0
# speed_map: 0=0.000% 255=100.000%
# off_on_alarm: true
# pwm:
# pwm_hz: 5000
# direction_pin: gpio.26
# output_pin: gpio.27
# enable_pin: NO_PIN
# disable_with_s0: false
# s0_with_disable: true
# spinup_ms: 0
# spindown_ms: 0
# tool_num: 0
# speed_map: 0=0.000% 1000=100.000%
# off_on_alarm: false
# 5V out gpio.26/27
# VMot out gpoi.2/16
# In's left to right gpoi.25/33/32/35/34/39/36
other than the holding amps ( needs to be 0.700a) the config seems legit, i would suspect bad clones/drivers, please try also connecting all the motors (steppers) before powering on.
Should be efficient:)
Dang, those heatsinks are very very close. Try pulling them all off just in case. Normally the scalloped ones are not that wide. I did no initially suspect them but I do now.
Dang, those heatsinks are very very close.
We need someone to design a 3d-printed heat sink installation template that helps position the heat sinks on install (these ones are different than our usual ones, so it wouldnât help here- or at least would need a different version.)
This probably isnât a pin short, though- you could take down three of the 5 with one UART pin short, but not the other two which are muxed.
This most likely is a misconfiguration of the UARTs on the stepper driver.
Easiest/cheapest way to fix it is probably to order replacement 2209s that are properly configured.
Reworking these particular step sticks will likely require a jumper/short to connect the UARTs on these modules in a way that works for FluidNC.
This isnât a pin short, though- you could take down three of the 5 with one UART pin sort, but not the other two which are muxed.
Good point, I didnât think about that.
thank you all. Ordered 2209 from BTT. Should be with no concerns. Will update as soon as tested
Arrived BTT 2209.
Installed to the Jackpot.
Flashed ESP32 via USB out of the CNC board.
Installed fluid NC 3.9.1 with 2.0 UI.
Installed to Jackpot, connected wifi.
For the test use only one ctepper connected. Stepper is OK, just was using with other project.
$SS result is below
[MSG:INFO: FluidNC v3.9.1]
[MSG:INFO: Compiled with ESP32 SDK:v4.4.7-dirty]
[MSG:INFO: Local filesystem type is littlefs]
[MSG:INFO: Configuration file:config.yaml]
[MSG:INFO: Board Jackpot TMC2209]
[MSG:INFO: UART1 Tx:gpio.0 Rx:gpio.4 RTS:NO_PIN Baud:115200]
[MSG:INFO: I2SO BCK:gpio.22 WS:gpio.17 DATA:gpio.21]
[MSG:INFO: SPI SCK:gpio.18 MOSI:gpio.23 MISO:gpio.19]
[MSG:INFO: SD Card cs_pin:gpio.5 detect:NO_PIN freq:20000000]
[MSG:INFO: Stepping:I2S_STATIC Pulse:2us Dsbl Delay:0us Dir Delay:1us Idle Delay:255ms]
[MSG:INFO: User Digital Output: 0 on Pin:gpio.26]
[MSG:INFO: User Digital Output: 1 on Pin:gpio.27]
[MSG:INFO: Axis count 3]
[MSG:INFO: Axis X (3.000,1223.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:0 CS:NO_PIN Step:I2SO.2 Dir:I2SO.1 Disable:I2SO.0 R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO: X Neg Limit gpio.25]
[MSG:INFO: Motor1]
[MSG:INFO: tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:3 CS:I2SO.14 Step:I2SO.13 Dir:I2SO.12 Disable:I2SO.15 R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO: X2 Neg Limit gpio.35]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Y (3.000,2443.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:1 CS:NO_PIN Step:I2SO.5 Dir:I2SO.4 Disable:I2SO.7 R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO: Y Neg Limit gpio.33]
[MSG:INFO: Motor1]
[MSG:INFO: tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:3 CS:I2SO.19 Step:I2SO.18 Dir:I2SO.17 Disable:I2SO.16 R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO: Y2 Neg Limit gpio.34]
[MSG:INFO: Axis Z (-100.000,200.000)]
[MSG:INFO: Motor0]
[MSG:INFO: tmc_2209 UART1 Addr:2 CS:NO_PIN Step:I2SO.10 Dir:I2SO.9 Disable:I2SO.8 R:0.110]
[MSG:INFO: Z Neg Limit gpio.32:low]
[MSG:INFO: X Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: X2 Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Y Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Y2 Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Z Axis driver test passed]
[MSG:INFO: Kinematic system: Cartesian]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting to STA SSID:HUAWEI-B535-2154]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting.]
[MSG:INFO: Connecting..]
[MSG:INFO: Connected - IP is]
[MSG:INFO: WiFi on]
[MSG:INFO: Start mDNS with hostname:http://fluidnc.local/]
[MSG:INFO: HTTP started on port 80]
[MSG:INFO: Telnet started on port 23]
[MSG:INFO: Flood coolant gpio.2]
[MSG:INFO: Mist coolant gpio.16]
[MSG:INFO: Probe gpio.36:low]
Are you sure you have them wired correctly? Two colours on the cable are being switched (blue/green). Can you switch those or try without your extension?