MPCNC Made In China: New Build!

Some nice progress these past days!
Almost all the hardware is done, only the carriage remains to be printed as well as a few little stuff.
I added the top frame. It’s not a structural thing so it’s not there for rigidity, i’ts mainly here to support the drag chains and provide an easy way to enclose the whole printer if I feel the need to do so later. I can also put some kind of plank over it an use it a a giant, expensive and uncomfortably high table.

Anyway, here is how it looks now:

By the way, on the above picture, all the motors are wired. You almost can’t see any wiring, it looks super clean.

Also worked on my electronics. So I built this enclosure for the Duet2:

It’s really small and compact, it features a 25mm fan (but I might change that for a bigger one if it turns out to be too noisy), and a dust filter, so that hopefully the inside stays free of metallic particles and other nasty stuff.

The USB plugs made wiring this thing a walk in the park. The double ones are for each axis (they are paralelled), and the small ones for the endsstops. There is also a tiny one on the right that you barely can see, this will be the USB-C for the whole hotend assembly.

They fit pretty well in there, but I added those little red parts so they re well secured. The lid then presses on these, which presses on the plugs, which maintains everything in place.

I still need to find a good spot to put this box in the frame.
Also I’m still waiting for my ball screws to arrive, my supplier is taking forever to make them…