Mpcnc laser with skr 1.4 turbo, marlin not working with inline commands

Good afternoon all
I recently finish a mpcnc project with a atomstack m100 laser module, and using the (Marlin_V1CNC_SkrTurbo_Dual_2209_2.1.1_515-src) firmware with the board (skr 1.4 turbo).

I have connected my laser in the servo pin 2 (SPINDLE_LASER_PWM_PIN P2_00).

I’m using Lightburn for postprocessing, and it works very well for cutting with m03/m05 control commands.

but i would like to start doing some engraving to however (m03/m05) control mode is not the best for engraving so i changed to (inline) but the laser is not turning on anymore.

do you guys have any idea of what could be the problem?