MPCNC from Colorado

I am done bench testing and reshuffled the workshop to make a new home for her. I need to do a bit more cable management and drop a new line off the dust collector trunk line.

[attachment file=“83670”]
[attachment file=“83671”]
[attachment file=“83672”]

Thanks for a great design, support and to you all that helped me with some questions along the way. Looking forward to having some fun!

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I am very jealous of that corner of your shop. Looks like you can actually get work done in there!

Whereabouts in CO? I love in Golden. We are approaching a quorum for a brewery meetup.

It’s my favorite spot! The rest is a hot mess now. A place for everything and everything has a place…

[attachment file=83678]

Colorado Springs but work in Denver Tech Center. Keep me posted, I’ve been known to go far and wide for a brewery stop.