MPCNC Firmware conversion from miling to Plasma

hi @vicious1 , I asked for reference just like you sent me here. thks for that… Looks like in that post you sent me they are using LinuxCNC which is not what I am have(the THC looks promissing and I want to try after I can get basic plasma cutter on/off working). I tried to follow this post My attempt at a MPCNC Primo Plasma cutter - #2 by keeze but I cant actually find the reference to Marlin Firmware change. I am using Marlin2.x on a Mks SGen L (it is working well as MPcnc milling, thks for that), but I am not sure how to config Laser on Fan Pin (probably should be my original post). do you know any reference to Laser on Fan Pin Fw/connection using m106/107 so I can use fusion post processor?