MP3DP V4 - Dan Roscigno's build

Hi Folks,
I just started ordering parts. I have a bunch of stuff coming from Ryan, and 2020 extrusions from Zyltech. I have Linear rails in my cart at Amazon, but saw @barry99705 's post about LDO rails and am thinking about getting those. I am building 200x200x200, so from what I understand I need 250mm and 300mm linear rails. Would LDO’s 245mm be long enough for the 250s, or should I get 300 and chop them down with a cutting disk and an angle grinder?

As I go, I will be glad to edit a pull request in the docs repo to maintain an updated BOM building on @azab2c and other folks fine BOM work.

By the way, ignore the $12.99 shown in the Filastruder link preview; the rails are $27.99 or so.

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For anyone else reading this: If you look at the rendering in Fusion 360 (I just now got it working again on my Mac) there is some wiggle room. I am ordering the LDO ones and will cut down.

Not much in the Y axis. The clearance is almost 0 front to back.

Z has a little extra room.

Maybe x too depending on where the screw holes line up.

Thanks David, I will be starting with 370mm, so I can make some practice cuts :slight_smile: I think there are only two that have to be pretty exact.

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I had to cut my two y axis.

I just changed my design for a taller z so I didn’t have to cut those.

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I guess with three rails, there is plenty of stability for extra height. Thanks, I will do the same.

Ended up adding extra 20mm to Z extrusion to help accommodate box containing electronics. Not sure if it’s a good idea yet, either way will share details/pics in my build thread when wired up.

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Thanks, I love the idea of a place to store the electronics, spare nozzles, allen wrenches, and lint.

I ended up ordering a 24V MK52 bed from Aliexpress (blurolls is seller). Hopefully it works,!USD!US%20%2449.90!US%20%2444.91!!!!!%402101f49516825178665555599e8602!12000018235814844!sh&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa&_randl_shipto=US

I hung all my electronics off the back, but I can see the appeal to having them on the bottom. I just didn’t want to have to lift the printer to work on it.

These printers are not light once built.

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