Move Forum To Discourse?

Yeah it seems doable because of all the random software things I have used over the years but I have very little linux experience. Besides keeping things running updated, and spam free, there are also security updates to worry about in the ubuntu (or other distro) to worry about.

The DH package sounds good but they limit the plug-ins you can use for security reasons, understandable but something to think about. I just wish the discourse packages were a little less expensive.

Okay this is about to get started, it could take a week or more. Test move, I hope I can let you all check it out, test for issues, then a real move.

Any specific plugins you can think of? Keep in mind the less of these we use the faster, cheaper and more stable the resource hog will be! The only one that is iffy would be a translation plugin but I need one that is not always on, they are charged separately and can be very expensive.

The current package has these by default;

  • AdSense
  • Akismet (a complimentary license is provided by us)
  • Chat Integration
  • Data Explorer
  • Patreon
  • Poll
  • Sitemap
  • Solved
  • Spoiler Alert
  • Staff Notes
  • Tagging
Not sure if adsense makes sense here, I have not had time to dig into it very far but I do not intend on running ads but I would still like to use affiliate links, they really help some months.

I don’t know much, but if you need a hand let me know…


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I probably would have used mathjax once or twice, although the syntax is hard enough to get right that I might not…

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OMG I was logged into the current hosting server getting the files ready…we are absolutely destroying it right now. I hope this does not take long, we are over on drive space and resources CPU and MEM…ooops.

Mathjax, on the list to look into.

I am not seeing many lists of plugins. I am sure there is a top ten somewhere. ??,,, Anything inparticular we should use?

Why do we always have to name things!

No way, I keep misspelling that, and calling it disquse, discord.


Naming, the secret hard part we keep dealing with. or sound good to me, we have, we probably need as well.

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Test. Test.

Craptastic, this works just not the direct link. I think I got busted for being so far over

The emails are working too, FWIW.

Dang it…exactly why I need to move sooner than later. Host says they dd nothing, I corrected them and told them the previous tech deleted my cache and now it doesn’t work “well that could not have done that”…will it did.

Well, my subdomain creation created a default link to the regular link…wtf

That’s all over my head. :confused:

We’ll see, It is over mine as well, but my BS detector was going nuts.

New forums are scheduled to be seen sometime after next weekend for a test run. Feels like forever!

What will happen to the forums until then and after that?

Nothing, at that point we should be able to take a test ride and make sure everything works and get pulled over correctly, logins, links, attachments. If it is good then we set a date and time to pause (read only) the current forums, do a new current backup, and do a swap to the new one ( a few hours fingers crossed).

I’ve seen community as a popular subdomain name. but I also think just is straightforward

I am active on they have a separate domain name for the forum to keep things cleaner. forum.V1 makes a lot of sense too


I vote